Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Oops, sorry. That's a great question. I guess with only owning one so far, I can't really say. Any one else with BA'S on here that can give us an idea on their personalities?

It's okay, don't be sorry!! Thanks :) That's why I was wondering because I've heard they're supposed to be pretty friendly/one of the friendlier or at least calmer breeds, like the Orp or Rocks, which is a big reason why I'm curious because if it's just her, that's sad but I'd feel better buying from them, but if the line/hatchery as a whole or a large portion is known for being fearful like that, then I think I may wanna look elsewhere, ya know?
It was not long ago that the BAs were highly recommended to me on this thread. A lot of people really like their temperament. I think the breed as a whole tends to be quite calm and gentle. However, I do not have one.
When I ordered my chickens last year I was dead set on BA's. At the last minute I switched to EEgrs, Brown Leghorns, and Welsummers, for a colorful egg basket. My Wellies are very calm, and the roo is friendlier then the pullets, super nice roo.
So I'm still working on switching feed. It's been a year of back and forth in figuring out what to do. Azure finally has a drop location in my area. I can't believe it! I'm buzzing like I've had too much caffeine now. So I'm thinking of trying an already mixed feed until I have the space to store bags and bags of grains. I think I'd like to try the "scratch and peck" brand. Anyone tried this one? Also, the drop point is semi-open, so I might not be able to join it. And does everyone in the drop share shipping costs? The next shipment is the 22nd and I will not be able to make it there then, but I'm hoping the next date will be convient. Maybe I'll work on picking a recipe by then and just get grains. Hmmmm....
So I'm still working on switching feed. It's been a year of back and forth in figuring out what to do. Azure finally has a drop location in my area. I can't believe it! I'm buzzing like I've had too much caffeine now. So I'm thinking of trying an already mixed feed until I have the space to store bags and bags of grains. I think I'd like to try the "scratch and peck" brand. Anyone tried this one? Also, the drop point is semi-open, so I might not be able to join it. And does everyone in the drop share shipping costs? The next shipment is the 22nd and I will not be able to make it there then, but I'm hoping the next date will be convient. Maybe I'll work on picking a recipe by then and just get grains. Hmmmm....

You pay your own shipping and if you order less than $50 you have a $5 small order charge. I order all the grains then mix them in a large trash can. I used to order pellets from them and liked them too. I think I'll be going back to them in the winter as I can't ferment the grains and they waste a lot when they aren't fermented.

As for BAs.. I love ours. She is very friendly, always squats for us, easy to pick up, and the softest chicken we have.
Sounds like BAs are great:)

Although I read a review on here that said they can be either really friendly or more skittish/aloof so I guess it depends
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That's awesome :) yeah, Im planning on holding mine when i get them so hopefully theyll be friendly

Hi, we don't have any BO hens from Meyer but have two roo's and we raised them handling them and they are fairly friendly. Our Alpha I have been catching the last few days to help treat his wattle for frostbite. After treatment, I hold him in front of me in both arms (like a football) and then I tuck his head, beak and neck under my arm and we just sit. I do this with the hens as well and everyone loves it once they understand it is just snuggle time. Some will actually nap and stay for awhile, longest has been 15 minutes. Anyway, Rocco has really gotten into snuggle time the last couple days. Because if this the second in command is steering clear of me as he is more flighty.

Here is a shot of him today and the damage from frostbite, of course I am kicking myself for it. :rolleyes:



And Bruno's damage....his isn't so bad and his wattles never swelled like Rocco's did.

They have looked prettier, poor boys!
Hi, we don't have any BO hens from Meyer but have two roo's and we raised them handling them and they are fairly friendly. Our Alpha I have been catching the last few days to help treat his wattle for frostbite. After treatment, I hold him in front of me in both arms (like a football) and then I tuck his head, beak and neck under my arm and we just sit. I do this with the hens as well and everyone loves it once they understand it is just snuggle time. Some will actually nap and stay for awhile, longest has been 15 minutes. Anyway, Rocco has really gotten into snuggle time the last couple days. Because if this the second in command is steering clear of me as he is more flighty.

Here is a shot of him today and the damage from frostbite, of course I am kicking myself for it.

And Bruno's damage....his isn't so bad and his wattles never swelled like Rocco's did.

They have looked prettier, poor boys!

Awww that's awesome!! and aw poor fellas :(

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