Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Great! Nah it wasn't a mistake, I told my son to be on the lookout for your order and he mentioned he would throw in something extra. That's really neat that you sell kids books on Ebay. Do you write the books or sell used books?
Well, I should have known!!! Thank you so much
They put a blue toy in there so I should have realized. My little terror is just biting through everything. So far one of the toys I bought is not destroyed yet. Can't give her tennis balls anymore because she's ripping the cover off and eating it. She's destroyed several other toys and even very hard plastic dog keys the breeder gave me. She chewed the end off and ate that so that had to go in the trash. Can't wait till she's finished teething. I assume she'll stop chewing like crazy then but maybe not???

I sell used kids books on ebay for newborn through early teen age. Not single books just groupings. Like 40 board books for toddlers, 30 Magic Tree House books, or huge lots of books perfect for certain ages like 50 to 100 books for 2nd graders or 50 picture books. I'm getting out of the business though bec. eBay isn't a great place to sell anymore... but great to buy!
I just got a text with this pic! Lol. It's not a great photo but she's a lav orp and she IS from Meyer. So exciting!

Oh and my green egg from yesterday.

And yes, my MIL is living with us. She has been for two years. It's not all bad, but I can't wait to move her about 150ft away! LOL.
Pretty purple girl!!!!

I want a skelter so bad!!
Maybe a used one on eBay? or Craigslist?

X3! I love the off-white one. The Chicken Chick frequently gives away the red one but I've never entered.

Congrats to everyone on their new layers!

Clara the EE was our first layer back in September but has been molting for around a month now. I did notice her checking out the nest boxes a couple days ago when I was hanging out with the girls in the coop and thought that was curious. Then this morning when I went to check for eggs she was sitting in the middle nest box. I didn't want to get my hopes up, she could have just been hiding from the new round of snow. But when I looked out the window and saw her in the run I headed back out and what did I find but a lovely elongated pale blue-green egg. Yay!

I'm glad the extra protein this week seems to have helped. I've been grinding up black oil sunflower seeds in their feed for awhile and gave them some scraps of local organic chicken left over from soup I made. Normally I would feel a bit squeemish about giving them poultry but it would have been tossed, it is good quality and they could use it. Hoping it helps Victoria and Morgaine as well. For those curious the big round brown eggs (back middle, front ends) are from Amelia the Golden Buff and the smaller pinkish ones (back ends and front middle) are Baby the Buff Orp's.
Clara!!! Glad to see you are back to getting green eggs. My GB lay the say color eggs as yours an my BO looks like yours too! Hoping they get bigger, BoBo's eggs are still kinda small. My Exchequer Leghorns are still really small too. Maybe by Spring they will get bigger.
Anyone else in the path of the frigid temperatures this weekend???? They're talking -20 wind chill on Sunday!!!!!

Unfortunately, yes!! In the next few days, we are expecting highs in the teens and lows from 0 to -4 without the wind chill. I am going to work from home tomorrow so that I can keep a fire going in the house and make sure the coop doesn't get too cold. The coop has heated roosts and I am tempted to plug it in but I don't want to get the girls too used to it that they don't want to go outside. What do you guys think? Anyone use them?
Unfortunately, yes!! In the next few days, we are expecting highs in the teens and lows from 0 to -4 without the wind chill. I am going to work from home tomorrow so that I can keep a fire going in the house and make sure the coop doesn't get too cold. The coop has heated roosts and I am tempted to plug it in but I don't want to get the girls too used to it that they don't want to go outside. What do you guys think? Anyone use them?
I don't use them and our girls have withstood -2deg in the coop (it was -30 w/ wind chill outside!) with no problems.
I can't wait to go home tomorrow. I need to find a new job where I don't have to travel so much! I'm tired of it.

On the plus side our girls have really picked up their laying! I'm really loving our chocolate egg! I'm annoyed at our younger girls for sleeping in the nest boxes! I try to keep them clean but they poop all inside them every night. argh!

A few of these are from Meyer girls. The one I know for sure is the small green one (bantam EE). I have no idea who's laying all the light brown ones. Hopefully I'll have some time to figure it out when I'm home next week.
Unfortunately, yes!! In the next few days, we are expecting highs in the teens and lows from 0 to -4 without the wind chill. I am going to work from home tomorrow so that I can keep a fire going in the house and make sure the coop doesn't get too cold. The coop has heated roosts and I am tempted to plug it in but I don't want to get the girls too used to it that they don't want to go outside. What do you guys think? Anyone use them?

I don't use them and our girls have withstood -2deg in the coop (it was -30 w/ wind chill outside!) with no problems. 

Awesome! Thanks for letting me know! I'm sure they will be fine if they will bundle together at night a little closer than they normally do. I just want to make sure. Thanks, again
Anyone else in the path of the frigid temperatures this weekend???? They're talking -20 wind chill on Sunday!!!!!

Clara!!! Glad to see you are back to getting green eggs. My GB lay the same color eggs as yours an my BO looks like yours too! Hoping they get bigger, BoBo's eggs are still kinda small. My Exchequer Leghorns are still really small too. Maybe by Spring they will get bigger.
Yikes yeah Sunday looks like high of 2F low of -7F with wind at 15 to 25 mph, not finding a predicted windchill. Saturday night low of -4. It was quite nippy today, water de-icer didn't work in the afternoon, I had to thaw the ring with warm water.

Thanks! I mutually adore your EEs. Do you still have Cleo. I remember she was gorgeous, but broody and a bit mean? How are your GB's combs? Amelia has some frostbite, not as bad as Morgaine's, and it doesn't seem to bother her, still I feel bad.
Unfortunately, yes!! In the next few days, we are expecting highs in the teens and lows from 0 to -4 without the wind chill. I am going to work from home tomorrow so that I can keep a fire going in the house and make sure the coop doesn't get too cold. The coop has heated roosts and I am tempted to plug it in but I don't want to get the girls too used to it that they don't want to go outside. What do you guys think? Anyone use them?
The wood stove will be going all weekend I'm sure!! I didn't know there were heated roosts! I guess if there was enough ventilation I would give them a try one night. But I think for me it's just all day long they are cold because they stay out in the run all day. They just huddle for warmth if cold from what I can see on the camera

I took off from my barn mucking job today... I just couldn't imagine doing it in this cold. Although there is a heated kitchen/bathroom/laundry area in the barn with hot running water so when it does get really cold at least I can go in there to warm up. Yes, it's a really nice barn!!!

Yikes yeah Sunday looks like high of 2F low of -7F with wind at 15 to 25 mph, not finding a predicted windchill. Saturday night low of -4. It was quite nippy today, water de-icer didn't work in the afternoon, I had to thaw the ring with warm water.

Thanks! I mutually adore your EEs. Do you still have Cleo. I remember she was gorgeous, but broody and a bit mean? How are your GB's combs? Amelia has some frostbite, not as bad as Morgaine's, and it doesn't seem to bother her, still I feel bad.
Yes, I still have Cleo. I plan on keeping her around for a while. She is still regrowing feathers after her molt so she's not laying and her head is looking darker than it used to. I think she's even prettier. She is a beardless EE that lays gigantic creamy colored eggs and isn't friendly towards me at all. In fact she's downright terrified of me. Has never squatted for me which is fine but if I need to check her for bugs or anything she screams bloody murder!!! She went broody once and I put her in a cage to break her an she squawked so much I had to keep her in the garage. Oh, and never reach under her to see if there are eggs... she'll take your hand off. But she's fine with all other chickens. Never mean to younger or older and for some reason I've really come to like her. Go figure

I can't wait to go home tomorrow. I need to find a new job where I don't have to travel so much! I'm tired of it.

On the plus side our girls have really picked up their laying! I'm really loving our chocolate egg! I'm annoyed at our younger girls for sleeping in the nest boxes! I try to keep them clean but they poop all inside them every night. argh!

A few of these are from Meyer girls. The one I know for sure is the small green one (bantam EE). I have no idea who's laying all the light brown ones. Hopefully I'll have some time to figure it out when I'm home next week.
I forget... did you tell us what you do that you travel so much?? Nice chocolate brown egg!! How old are the young ones that they still sleep in the nest?
The wood stove will be going all weekend I'm sure!! I didn't know there were heated roosts! I guess if there was enough ventilation I would give them a try one night. But I think for me it's just all day long they are cold because they stay out in the run all day. They just huddle for warmth if cold from what I can see on the camera

I took off from my barn mucking job today... I just couldn't imagine doing it in this cold. Although there is a heated kitchen/bathroom/laundry area in the barn with hot running water so when it does get really cold at least I can go in there to warm up. Yes, it's a really nice barn!!!

Yes, I still have Cleo. I plan on keeping her around for a while. She is still regrowing feathers after her molt so she's not laying and her head is looking darker than it used to. I think she's even prettier. She is a beardless EE that lays gigantic creamy colored eggs and isn't friendly towards me at all. In fact she's downright terrified of me. Has never squatted for me which is fine but if I need to check her for bugs or anything she screams bloody murder!!! She went broody once and I put her in a cage to break her an she squawked so much I had to keep her in the garage. Oh, and never reach under her to see if there are eggs... she'll take your hand off. But she's fine with all other chickens. Never mean to younger or older and for some reason I've really come to like her. Go figure

I forget... did you tell us what you do that you travel so much?? Nice chocolate brown egg!! How old are the young ones that they still sleep in the nest?

I repair analytical instruments so I travel to labs all over the place. I'm over it. I am in the process of writing a new job description for myself to see if my boss will accept it and get me out of the field so much but writing like that is not my strong point so it's taking me longer than I'd like. I'm not good at fluffing things up to sound important. lol

So true! I was in PA this morning and just walking from the rental car to their building my hands were numb and my face was stinging. It was bitterly cold! I'm glad I'm back in toasty CO. It's 64 here! I'm sure we'll get a couple more cold fronts before this winter is over but for now I'm really enjoying the spring weather.
My friend is supposed to go out and see some people's place this weekend that might let her keep her chickens there. Yeah! They are much closer to her so that will be nice that she'll get to see them and take care of them herself. And I'll get to split up my roosters.
Here is a pic from the coop cam. You can see the Maran roo's comb is still healing. While I've seen the CCL roo go after the maran before I think for the most part they get along. I'm hoping I can just separate the silkie roos out and everyone will get along.

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