Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Finnie, I would love to see some current glamor shots of Blossom! It sounds like she is turning out to be quite the beauty! From what I can see in your pics above, Blossom's ground color has turned out quite red, as well. I have compared my girl's pics to your young pics of Blossom, and it does give me hope that she will turn out like Blossom, since the "black" part of the feathers looks similar between the two of them.

I'm glad Corabeth is looking girlish again for you, too. The olive eggs should be fun! And Biscuit seems like she is growing up to have the color you were hoping for which is great, too. It's nice to see your flock mingling well. I can't wait until we can get our babies out with the big girls! They will be more comfortable and happier, and it should be less work for me, too!

On my Wellie, I'm also surprised that this would be the one breed where Meyer would finally get it wrong for me, since they are somewhat auto sexing, but maybe it's like you said--maybe someone was in a rush/lazy/whatever and got lax with the vent sexing and decided to go by the markings on this little guy. I just hope I can find him a good home....
Ok, not a full weekly birthday picture update here, but a few choice photos from today. As I mentioned, the babies are three weeks old this week. I don't think there's much doubt about it, but this Welsummer chick (formerly Hazel) below is a roo, right? If not, I'd think it must be the most masculine pullet ever.

Violet the Dorking is really gentle and calm and pretty, with such long, fluffy feathers--this pic doesn't do her justice.
Definitely a roo, not just the comb but the dark feathering. Violet is lovely!

None of our 18 week olds are squatting yet, our big girls all did/do.
Aw man, I'm so sorry about that.  I always feel sorry for people moving in the rain.  Even way worse when you have animals, too.

I not only did i have chickens but budgies,fish cats and dogs. And my ducks and geese. I thought my budgies would be the dead ones but not one died. They were wet and my budgie chicks looked bad but made it. Now I went out and found one on my meaties with a head missing and all internal organs missing. It was limping a day ago. My guess is the other chickens killed it and my baby kittens started eating it from the back it was stuck between the wall and a bin.
Aw, that's not good. I hope things turn around for you after this.

That's a lot of animals to move! I have wondered whether I would take my fish tanks with me or not, if I ever move. Do you have a large tank or a small? Mine are both 55 gallons, so that would take a lot of special effort.

Well Hyzenthlay, you asked for glam shots of Blossom, so here you go!

I've noticed that she has yellow on her hackles, orange on her shoulders, two shades of red on her breast and saddle, and then a real deep mahogany on her wings. And then the lacing is blacker towards her front, and lighter grey towards the back.

This picture shows up the different ground colors the best, I think:

I ended up with 20 photos of her! I was going to delete the lesser quality ones, but it turned out there were just a few that were blurry, and the rest I wanted to keep. :D I had so much fun editing this photo session. I knew I liked how Blossom was turning out, but just looking at her running around (and usually without my glasses on), I didn't have as much appreciation for her details as I did seeing them blown up on my computer screen. I am so impressed with this chicken! I think I might go post some of these on the BLRW thread. Although I'm pretty sure the multi-hued ground color is considered a fault over there. I think they want just deep red.

I also think she is still in her final molt, so she might still change a little.

Aw, that's not good. I hope things turn around for you after this. That's a lot of animals to move! I have wondered whether I would take my fish tanks with me or not, if I ever move. Do you have a large tank or a small? Mine are both 55 gallons, so that would take a lot of special effort. Well Hyzenthlay, you asked for glam shots of Blossom, so here you go! I've noticed that she has yellow on her hackles, orange on her shoulders, two shades of red on her breast and saddle, and then a real deep mahogany on her wings. And then the lacing is blacker towards her front, and lighter grey towards the back. This picture shows up the different ground colors the best, I think: I ended up with 20 photos of her! I was going to delete the lesser quality ones, but it turned out there were just a few that were blurry, and the rest I wanted to keep. :D I had so much fun editing this photo session. I knew I liked how Blossom was turning out, but just looking at her running around (and usually without my glasses on), I didn't have as much appreciation for her details as I did seeing them blown up on my computer screen. I am so impressed with this chicken! I think I might go post some of these on the BLRW thread. Although I'm pretty sure the multi-hued ground color is considered a fault over there. I think they want just deep red. I also think she is still in her final molt, so she might still change a little.
I had a ten gallon 2 five gallons and snails and plants to move. I had to desnail my tank weeks before. I sucked them up with a pippet everytime i seen a snail. Lol since I cant kill my lil snailies my goldfish lived in a bathtub outside so now I got to find something else to put them in as a ten gallon for 12 decent size fish was to small. And your blrw looks pretty my blrw roo is getting nice lacings now. Before he barely had any.
I have read that one of the signs of a rooster is that they don't have much lacing when they first feather up. He should be very nice looking once he's fully feathered. :)

More photo spam! Here are some others I got last night while I was taking Blossom's photos.


My two Lavender Ameraucanas, Mr. Green Jeans and Mist.



My 14 year old Sheltie, because she is such a good girl, and the picture turned out good:

And my 5 year old dachshund, because she is such a goof!
Aw, that's not good. I hope things turn around for you after this.

That's a lot of animals to move! I have wondered whether I would take my fish tanks with me or not, if I ever move. Do you have a large tank or a small? Mine are both 55 gallons, so that would take a lot of special effort.

Well Hyzenthlay, you asked for glam shots of Blossom, so here you go!

I've noticed that she has yellow on her hackles, orange on her shoulders, two shades of red on her breast and saddle, and then a real deep mahogany on her wings. And then the lacing is blacker towards her front, and lighter grey towards the back.

This picture shows up the different ground colors the best, I think:

I ended up with 20 photos of her! I was going to delete the lesser quality ones, but it turned out there were just a few that were blurry, and the rest I wanted to keep. :D I had so much fun editing this photo session. I knew I liked how Blossom was turning out, but just looking at her running around (and usually without my glasses on), I didn't have as much appreciation for her details as I did seeing them blown up on my computer screen. I am so impressed with this chicken! I think I might go post some of these on the BLRW thread. Although I'm pretty sure the multi-hued ground color is considered a fault over there. I think they want just deep red.

I also think she is still in her final molt, so she might still change a little.

Wow, Finnie, she's turning out to be really beautiful!! I especially like the red on her back, and the big fluffy blue bloomers she's growing. The color variation is really neat, too--I think stained glass is a great comparison. I think you're right about the preference for uniform red ground color among the BLRW group, but it's hard to argue with the beauty of the picture above. If you go there and post pics, I hope they're not too critical! I asked about my girl's color on the BLRW thread, and I got all different answers, but all friendly. And thanks so much for posting pictures here!! It does give me hope for my young lady, because her feathering now does look similar to your 4 and 5 week pictures of Blossom.

Your other pictures look great, too! Elizabeth and Peppermint are looking quite picturesque, I'm envying your Lav Ameraucanas, and Westley is quite the handsome roo! The dogs look like sweeties, although you can definitely see the funny personality of the dachshund coming through loud and clear in that picture. :)
Well Hyzenthlay, you asked for glam shots of Blossom, so here you go!

I've noticed that she has yellow on her hackles, orange on her shoulders, two shades of red on her breast and saddle, and then a real deep mahogany on her wings. And then the lacing is blacker towards her front, and lighter grey towards the back.

She's absolutely lovely!

We will hopefully be listing our house in the spring, so probably no batch of new chicks next year. The good thing about that though is that when we do get our next batch of chicks we can get more breeds! Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, Silver Penciled Rock, Partridge Rock (one of each), Black Australorps, Blue Orpingtons and EEs are all on my wishlist from Meyer. Then we may try hatching some eggs from a breeder.
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She's absolutely lovely!

We will hopefully be listing our house in the spring, so probably no batch of new chicks next year. The good thing about that though is that when we do get our next batch of chicks we can get more breeds! Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, Silver Penciled Rock, Partridge Rock (one of each), Black Australorps, Blue Orpingtons and EEs are all on my wishlist from Meyer. Then we may try hatching some eggs from a breeder.

That's great that you can move! You'll have to look for a place with better neighbors...

I can vouch for the Partridge Rock, well, my Ella at least. She has seemed very people oriented from the beginning. Speckled Sussex is on my list too. Funny how these chicken wish lists keep growing.

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