Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Do you get much snow and cold there.

Sorry, forgot to reply haha

Anyway, yeah, we definitely get a lot of cold and snow. We actually usually aren't too too cold, I think 30s and 20s, mid winter it gets colder, 20s and teens. I don't think it really stays 30s too long. And maybe 3 feet usually? But last winter was brutal and we had a TON of snow starting in maybe January or February? And we had one huge snow pile in Boston that didn't melt until like mid July haha it was awful. This winter is looking to be a bad one too. Climate change I guess maybe. Hope it's not too bad.
You know the crazy thing is I had express shipping selected on my online order and the customer service guy told me that express and priority to Florida would be the same. 2 days. So he told me to change it to priority and add a few more chicks. So that's what I did. I though listening to their people would have been the best advice but clearly I was wrong. I am hoping my experience is not the norm. I had done a bunch of research before I decided on them and heard they had great customer service. But boy when I needed them they did not come through for me!
Chickies. One I was holding keeps throwing head back and a teeny less active so worried but under MHP now and will add second waterer with vita pack later. hopefully she pulls through. Still peeping though so idk. Hoping I didn't hurt her dipping their beaks in

Also here's the embedded pictures haha



















Also a video lol

I am new to chickens. Never heard of a heating pad. Going to google it...

I'd never heard of it until it was recommended to me! Right here on BYC actually! No need to Google, there's an amazing thread on it right here

Or maybe @Blooie herself will come in and give you basics.

It's actually really simple and much more natural, they were completely silent last night in the dark after I turned the light off and up and peeping when I got up (not tired but couldn't go back to sleep if I tried lol) because of the sun rising. :)

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