Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

My mom and I just took the bus down to go shopping and I think out to eat. :) but don't worry, one of the reasons we're going is to get duct tape and Press & Seal so I can finally make the real, actual, wire frame MHP. Hence why I'm mentioning this here. Also going to get hardware cloth and maybe a tarp or blankets so we can actually make a secure, 100% mouse proof, safe area and put them back out in the garage today or tomorrow. I don't really want to but they have to go back. :( I also want to get a scoop or rake or something to deal with their poop. I'm thinking of more and more stuff as I type haha speaking of their poop and the chicks in general, I changed their feeder this morning. I checked them last night and there was poop in it but they were asleep so I figured it could wait and was right and I went to the garage and got the other feeder and filled it out there and brought it in. One chick was a little confused but I took another and stuck her face in it and she was mad but calmed down and ate right away once she realized what it was lol then the others eventually ate so I don't know if they saw or just figured it out. Also I slept downstairs last night but still got up a little before 8, I guess cause I went to bed so early, and they were still sound asleep because it was raining and therefore still dark so I turned the light on and maybe 3 or 4 were still outside and curled next to MHP, the rest went under during the night, and before I turned the light on it was light enough they were looking at me then when I turned the light on they ran to the food instantly (this was before I replaced it) and then everyone else ran out from under MHP and started making noise and eating too. It was soooo funny. It was like "WHOOPS! IT'S DAYTIME NOW! BETTER GET UP!" Speaking of which, they'd also starting to be a bit scared of my hands but I attribute that to the cardboard walls and how I now have to reach way over and am a big reaching in. But they settle down once I'm holding them so I have hope they'll calm down soon. They're just starting to become more aware and active. They were also running all over the brooder this morning and some were sleeping while others drank and ate, chasing each other, all eating at the feeder at once and developing some politics, etc. So it's cute to see. They're starting to learn about the world and develop personalities instead of all doing what the other is doing. It's nice to see. ALSO! The little one is doing MUCH better!! I haven't really noticed the neck thing at all today but sleeping she does it a tiny bit still (but she's always only done it briefly, her necks never been permanently back) but she was shoving her way into the feeder. She'd start eating and get pushed or fall and I was getting nervous and going to put the paper towel down again for her but then she just goes right back or waits till the others leave. I also took it off bricks like.someone had suggested and the others just stick their heads in no problem but she's so cute she would just dive in, head way in, and her little butt in the air, upside down LOL unique but trying so hard. Also saw her drink for the first time today. :D she does seem a little bit smaller and less active than the other chicks now that they're starting to get personalities and grow already and still sometimes just stands there or goes back to sleep (one time she was eating and a black one went back next to MHP and she decided to follow her) but I'm so happy to see that she's so tenacious and trying so hard. I'm thinking I'll still add the vita pack stuff to the water today though and if I can find the stuff recommended (save a chick or nutri drench) then I'll buy some of that. I think it's a good sign that she's trying so hard to eat and drink though and doesn't let the others deter her. Hoping she makes a full recovery. But yeah. So we're shopping. OH! And I put the dog and cat in the basement along with food and water to be absolutely sure they were nowhere near the chicks though I don't think they even know we have them. I even put the cat on one side of the basement and the dog on the other so they don't eat each other's food. I also made sure to check on the chicks before leaving and reattach one piece of cardboard that kept falling off. They seemed happy and healthy. I can't wait to see what personalities they develop. I can already tell one of the EE's and a BR are some of the more adventurous ones. From the very first day they were pretty active and adventurous and always together and the first to do anything. Now the others are starting to be more adventurous and/or all do things together but these two are still adventurous. And I think the EE was the very first to drink on her own at least that I saw. They're all running around, testing their flying abilities/leaping off MHP, etc., it's very very cute. I have some video I'll post later. :)
They run like the second I come in now. :( but then again I left them alone all day today. Also they're starting to be so different, some are already bigger and more active and some are smaller and some settle down immediately and sleep or check me out and this one chick peeped the whole time in my hand lol
One of the chicks passed away. :( I was expecting it because she was sick last night and then really really bad today, so much so I was amazed she was still breathing, so it's not too sad because it was expected and she's not suffering but it's still a life gone and an adorable baby chick. She always fell asleep in my hands. At least she had a good little life while she was here, she would have been a week tomorrow. She didn't have a name yet but lately, cause she was so small and weak, I've just been calling her "little one", so I guess... RIP Little One.
My sisters dog killed most of my birds theirs only 5 left im selling those and im done. At this point i rather die to. Nothings keeping me here anymore.
We all have moments like that ... Don't give into that though. Keep you chin up.... Don't let others bring you to that point

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