Meyer Hatchery is having chick adoption (result of Irene)


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Oct 6, 2010
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
My Coop
My Coop
This just posted on their Facebook Page - You have to PICK UP by end of today

Meyer Hatchery
Don't forget we are adopting out chicks (all females, assorted breeds) that couldn't ship because of Irene for just $1 in store pick-up only, though. These babies are too old to ship now. We'll be here from now until 5pm. Plenty left that need homes!​
I love my Meyer Hatchery chicks, and they have outstanding customer service, so I consider this a real deal. I don't need any more chickens and don't live in Ohio, but if I did I'd be on this like baby chicks on meal worm treats!

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