Meyer Hatchery Question


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 3, 2010
Rincon Ga
Wanting some feedback on if anyone has indulged in the "all pullet rainbow pack"
Wondering what did you get and were you happy with the quality?
I got my 'all pullet rainbow pack' on April 25th from Meyers. I didn't get much of a 'rainbow', not one EE in the bunch. I thought a 'rainbow' would include at least a few blue/green egg layers, but all I will get is brown and white. I was much happier with McMurray's rainbow pack, I got 11 different breeds, with several EEs. I also ordered 6 Black Copper Marans, one died and at least one is a rooster. Not super happy.
I ordered a rainbow pack of 100 pullets from Meyer last year during a special. I received Cuckoo Marans, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Golden Laced Wyandottes, Columbian Wyandottes, White Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorpes, Welsummers, White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Golden Buff, one Speckled Sussex, one Blue Andalusian and one Silver Spangled Hamburg. I was pretty pleased with the variety.
Yes, their ad is a little misleading. It has been mentioned on this forum before. In spite of the photo that goes with it, the "rainbow" means the different colors of the chickens, not the eggs. There is no guarantee you will get blue, green, white, or real dark eggs. The only guarantee is five different breeds, and I read that so it could include different colors and patterns of the same breeds, like Partridge and Barred Rocks could count as two different breeds. You are pretty much going to get what they have left over. It's not a bad deal if you can live with that.
Sounds nice. I hope they have done well for you! Did any turn out to be roos?
They did very well, I only lost 3 out of 100. I actually ended up selling most of them by 3 months old and there were probably about five or more roos out of the 97. It wasn't too bad though because it made for some great sets. We ended up keeping the Welsummers (9 pullets) until they were 7 months old and someone offered to buy them and I sold them. They hadn't started laying yet, but the people that bought them called me and the Welsummers laid their first egg on the day I sold them
Just my luck.

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