All the treatment in the world will only hide symtoms as their is no cure for mg and if one has it they all do some just might never show symtoms
I thought this but the bubbles are only in one eye.
I have chickens with MG and it almost always starts in just one eye, sometimes stays only in one eye on some chickens and both eyes in others. I rinse the eye as suggested and I apply Terramycin to the eye area and see good improvement. If they don't improve quickly, I do oral Tylan 50 for three days. Usually does the trick!
Many of those products you listed are herbal oils and treatments, and you can save money, and just get some Tylosin (Tylan) or Tiamulin (Denagard) from your vet. Those are antibiotics that specifically treat MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum.) MG is a chronic respiratory disease of chickens, and can make carriers of the flock. It is with them for life, but certain antibiotics can treat symptoms. Most people cull severely sick birds, and close their flocks. It is a common respiratory disease, can be spread through hatching eggs and direct contact with affected chickens. Luckily it only stays alive for about 3 days on equipment and facilities. Read this article and do some research on your own as well, since there is plenty online:

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