Mich right to farm act-I need some basic info

Hi culler, I am in Park twp. a couple miles north of Holland. I must say the more reading I do the more I am thinking this MRTFA does not apply to me. Yes we live right next land zoned for chickens but we are not,we back into those 2 properties which are wooded as is the back half of our 1 acre. I have contacted everybody living within 300 feet as the twp sent them letters and they are all are in support of us having our 3 hens. Guess I was thinking MRTFA was going to be my loophole but I'm thinking probably not. I guess I am back to appealing to their common sense and my right to pursue happiness(quality of life) as long as I don't infringe on others rights and quality of life.
Hi, With just one acre of land I would ask to see the ordinance where it says you can not have chickens. Your best bet might be to just go before the Twp. Board and ask them to allow you keep your chickens, This they can do if they have not had complaints on you.

The Right To Farm Act would not help you here as you are not zoned Agriculture. Would suggest you go before the entire Board and not take the Animal control persons info as the final say in the matter.
Thanks for getting back to me culler, As mentioned above I did go before the appeals board to no avail. Next I will be meeting with the twp supervisor. Maybe he felt slighted sense I did not start with him. I don't hold out much hope from what I have been told by the zoning officer, which is why I went directly to the appeals board. The odd thing I did find out at the appeals board is that they do allow chickens if it is a pet and kept indoors. So not only can govt tell us what we can have for pets they seem to want to be able to tell us how to care for our pets. This really makes me want to get on my soap box and try to publicly try to shame the twp but I know I should hold my tongue at this point. Thanks for being interested.
Hi mcrich -

There is another thread with extensive discussion on this topic, and many there (including me) read the MRTFA as protecting any farm operation that is both commercial and that follows good management practices (GAAMPS). There is no size limit to the farm, and no time limit as to when the farm was started. If it is commercial (e.g., by selling an egg) and if it follows good management practices, MRTFA protects, and trumps any local ordinance that aims to impede your commercial farm operation.

VikkiP, who successfully went to court over this issue, posted this link as a very easy description of the MRTFA from MSU:
http://www.animalagteam.msu.edu/uploads/files/20/Tech Bullitin Land Use.pdf

Be sure to look at page 2, which I think will convince you that you're protected if you sell any products from your chickens, and are (or become) compliant with GAAMPS.

I also encourage you to go to that other MRTFA thread, because it looks as though someone else may be gearing up to fight this battle in Ypsilanti. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...o-farm-law-what-does-it-mean/470#post_8390924

Best of luck.
google destiny farms, they are in MI and have info about the right to farm, if you call them talk to joan, she can probably help you out. The are located somewhere in your area.
Hi mcrich

I live in Grand Haven township and also cannot have chickens. I would like to have 6 chickens with no roosters. I own a total of 1.5 acres with 3 vacant acres next to me. Because I live in a platted subdivision I am not allowed. I would be interested in any progress you have made. I have thought about trying to put a proposal on a ballot during an upcoming election to let the township folks decide the issue but don't know how to go about doing that or if that is even possible. I hope you are having good progress.

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