Michigan Chickenstock -- 2013 Pot Luck Food Thread

My wife Cindy is bringing a salad bar.
Folks - I'll be again bringing stickers to use as name tags - they'll be up in the pavillion with pens.

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO write your USER ID, and then your real first name underneath.
Raz and all:

A reminder....it will be 90+ degrees on Saturday...bring lots of ice to keep the food cool, especially anything with eggs.
(What's the name of this thing again...Chickenstock??)

I am a Microbiologist by trade and although everyone is cautious, please remember that it only takes a couple hours in 90 degrees for food that is sitting out to rapidly multiply with bacteria--usually everyone thinks Salmonella, but most times it is Staph...and in about 4-6 hours you'll definately know it.
. Now that i've spoiled everyones appetite, I apologise.

I was supposed to bring beer bread and a couple of dips for the bread, but considering the heat predicted Saturday, I don't like the idea of Mayo setting out for any length of time, and the bread will dry up hard as a rock. So...instead I am bringing brownies.
No worries about Salmonella or Staph with brownies. Raz, sorry, but can you change my listing...brownies, not beer bread.
so cheese is probably out of the question 

IMHO, don't think we have to worry about cheese too much...I am always WAY concerned with anything that has mayo in it (like many dips & dressings, salads like potato, certain slaws, etc.). Personally, I can't eat ANYTHING w/mayo....but I sure wouldn't want anyone getting sick!

I agree, we need to make sure there is plenty of ice around, & also ways to make sure what needs to stay warm does, or is wrapped & put away appropriately (cooler, etc.)
You guys are pretty squeamish. I have no problem eating potato salad. Or dips. Or cheese.
But bring what you are comfortable sharing.

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