Michigan Chickenstock 2014 - attendance

I will be attending this year along with hubby and 2 kids; 1 teen boy and 1 tween girl.

Can't wait!!
Last year I was going to bring 10 pies The pie maker didn't get the date right so she had them ready a week ahead of time. She was ill and I took 3 of what she had done. Ihad wanted to make sure the pies she made were really good. Turns out her reputation far exceeded her achievement. I made some potato salad instead and took that to C S. Took one container ,not touched, plus about half of the other one, home. Neighbors helped us eat all of it. so none was wasted. I never did get my money back for the pies. Mine are better anyway though. But don't want to plan & prepare them.

Looks like we can use meat for the grill so I'm bringing 10 # of hamburger patties to # 14.
Bob, tater salad is one of my VERY favorite side dishes! I'm sure I had some of yours last year, and I bet it was DEEEEE-lish! I'll be bringing hot dogs, buns, and ketchup/mustard - hubby's the grillmaster, and he'd be more than happy to flip your burgers if you bring some. :)
I plan to come and hope to bring daughter and her 3 girls,
I also have 3 6ft tables I can bring.
did not see were tables should be posted? haven't decided on dish yet

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