Michigan Chickenstock 2014 - attendance

I'm going to try really hard to come, but I'm a social worker and on-call that weekend :( If I make it it'll just be me and maybe DH.
Okay I'm supposed to be moving that day but I told DH I would NOT MISS CHICKENSTOCK>
Hope to be bringing some pysanky for raffle and if anyone wants extras for purchase, I can make some $10 eggs...PM me...

If the table isn't packed I'll bring it along.

Just me and (I think) Mish...if not I will bring a friend. Maybe DH if he's nice to me.
Sadly I will not be attending this year. Trying to coordinate the work schedules of Granny's two nieces and my two Missouri living sons and their wives, my granddaughter's school schedule, and Hope's grandchildren babysitting, resulted in our having to opt to go south the last two weeks of June. Chickenstock has been something I truly looked forward to and I'm sure this year's will be as enjoyable as the previous.

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