Michigan Chickenstock Has Returned for 2022! Sign In. Sign Up. Show up.

I called Kat and she plans to be there. Cindy and I will be there and we are bring Kendra and Randy. Kendra came last time we had one in 2019. Cindy will probably bring a sald bar/veggie tray like usual. I'll ask Kendra what she'll bring and get back. I forgot to ask Kat. I'll also bring maple syrup if we do the raffle. Don't forget the raffle. I kind of explained it for those that don't know.
Thanks for that. I've been trying to remember some of the people who attended before. Kat was one. I lost all of her contact info when I moved up here. She lives not far from Sam (Opa). Another person I've lost contact with.
I'm not sure if I'm a bad person for neglecting old friends or just a victim of old age forgetfulness,
I'll reach out to some FB friends that used to come and let them know that CS22 is on.
SO far it will be ma. I am adding a set of 4 crocheted coaster to the raffle. I am also bringing some sets in a variety of colors if anyone is interested. I will also make a sample of a potholder in case anyone would like to order. I do have cotton yarn but honestly I have no clue where I put it and with an upcoming trip to Florida, do not have much time to search boxes and I do not go out much to stay safe. I am not bringing anything poultry at all. I might bring Pixie because she is my ESA in case I get some anxiety but she is a quiet dog and scred of chickens,lol
Do any of you have any dietary restrictions? I'm gluten free, so I'll be bringing something GF. Anyone vegetarian or vegan?

Does anyone want my :duc rooster? KIDDING! I'm not going to try to foist him off on anyone.
Like Raz said,
RaZ said:
The pavilion has electricity. There are usually a few crock pots there.:lau
Updated sign-in sheet. 20-FEB-2020
If someone actually DOES want my rooster, I will bring him. But only if they want him to be a rooster, not dinner, ok? Though if he gets more butthead-y, I might change my mind.

He is good with the girls, but "forgets" I'm the boss. My neighbor (who hit the straight run lottery and never got a boy) would probably take him, but no way I can give him to her. She has little kids, and I wouldn't trust him around them. They have no cockerel experience.
Plan for it friends.
We are only four (4) months away. It will be here sooner than you might think.
Is this still going to happen even with Avian Influenza being reported in Michigan?

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