Michigan Chickenstock!!! Lansing area, August 1!!!


Everything sounds so good, I will probably gain 10 lbs Saturday!
I tried my snickers salad at a get together I had yesterday. I had to try it out as I had never made it before. I had none to bring home. I was very happy about that. I hope that you all like it.
WHOA. So much for beginning a diet! I guess I can do that Sunday....all the food sounds wonderful!!

Thanks, Sam - that's a great idea for the chicks. May take you up on that! Whoda thunk we'd have to worry about it being too cool in August! I can't wait to try your smoked chicken...I bet your neighbors' mouths are drooling!
OOOH Porterturkeys.com best place to get turkeys and lots of colors.
Check it out if interested in turkeys or just to see all the beautiful colors Randy has come up with.
Who/what is in Porter?
Well, I maybe able to make this work.. My person is picking her puppy up at 9am, I could leave at 9:30 or 10am and be there around Noon.. is this to late to get in on the swaps? I do not need anything, but am thinking about bringing my extra 8 week old pullets.

I have 3 black sex links, may have available 1 slw, 1white rock,1 BA, 3 BR, 1 BA, I could part with a BO also.
GREAT to hear, kassy68! Someone is looking for a BO...who was that....scroll back a page or so...I think you're fine to bring some stock, because several folks are going to "shop"! Glad you can make it!

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