Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

A quick break from chores...

The 9 week old Sebrights have been in the big coop for a week or so, separated from the big girls by mesh. Yesterday the mesh came down with no issues at all. Today, my bully ISA has decided to harass the little ones. Once she starts the other 2 ISA join in the fun. So the mesh is back up and the littles are apart.

I don't care much for the 3 ISA Browns that I have because of their aggressive personalities. But they are wonderful egg producers. I am thinking that they need to be re-homed or go to freezer camp. They are just a year old now and excellent daily layers. Anyone interested?

My sentencing date is Tuesday so I might have to get rid of all the birds anyway. Oddly, the sentencing was moved from the busy and public morning to the "closed" afternoon session. (My attorney's office called at 5 to 5:00pm to let me know)

Having said that, I want to thank everyone who has been following these events of the past year. I appreciate your support and your outrage at the turn of events. I could easily have capitulated to the demands of local officials and given up but I decided to stand up for my RIGHTS and fight. I am not done yet fighting the good fight. I will continue to advocate for all of us.

Now I'm going back out to plant and do some more chores before my back gives out. Peace.
ETA: I only have 3 ISA not 4 that was posted earlier.
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A quick break from chores...

The 9 week old Sebrights have been in the big coop for a week or so, separated from the big girls by mesh.  Yesterday the mesh came down with no issues at all.  Today, my bully ISA has decided to harass the little ones. Once she starts the other 2 ISA join in the fun.  So the mesh is back up and the littles are apart.  

I don't care much for the 4 ISA Browns that I have because of their aggressive personalities.  But they are wonderful egg producers.  I am thinking that they need to be re-homed or go to freezer camp.  They are just a year old now and excellent daily layers.  Anyone interested?

My sentencing date is Tuesday so I might have to get rid of all the birds anyway.  Oddly, the sentencing was moved from the busy and public morning to the "closed" afternoon session. (My attorney's office called at 5 to 5:00pm to let me know)

Having said that, I want to thank everyone who has been following these events of the past year.  I appreciate your support and your outrage at the turn of events.  I could easily have capitulated to the demands of local officials and given up but I decided to stand up for my RIGHTS and fight. I am not done yet fighting the good fight.  I will continue to advocate for all of us.

Now I'm going back out to plant and do some more chores before my back gives out.  Peace.

So it's not just my isa that's a bully. Good to know. She's such a snot.
Good luck and thanks for fighting the fight!
Oh RaZ! I am so sorry about that! Ya know, we have a spare bedroom in the basement that you can use....Its a walkout basement..... You have been to my farm before, and you said that you liked it.....
Trees are budding out, flowers are shooting up, grass is getting green, chickens are happily chasing bugs and its supposed to be in the 70s next week. Yippy!!!
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!!!!
Having a not great morning. My incubator quit holding temperature, and I had to move everything over to a different one that was supposed to be holding NEXT WEEK'S eggs. I float tested everything since I didn't have a lot of room in there, and ended up pulling 11 eggs out, and moving 5 over to the 2nd incubator. The bad news? 6 black copper marans dead in the shell. Half of them were pipped into the aircell. I Am SOOO BUMMED! I still have 4 eggs that will hopefully hatch from the BCMs, and 2 more EE mixes. 3 chicks in the brooder right now. Really hoping I get a few more!!
I have BLRWs due next week, and 5 more mutt eggs.

I think I'm going to take a carload of stuff to Goodwill to get out of the house so I don't obsess over the chicks hatching or not hatching all day.

My sentencing date is Tuesday so I might have to get rid of all the birds anyway. Oddly, the sentencing was moved from the busy and public morning to the "closed" afternoon session. (My attorney's office called at 5 to 5:00pm to let me know)

Having said that, I want to thank everyone who has been following these events of the past year. I appreciate your support and your outrage at the turn of events. I could easily have capitulated to the demands of local officials and given up but I decided to stand up for my RIGHTS and fight. I am not done yet fighting the good fight. I will continue to advocate for all of us.

Now I'm going back out to plant and do some more chores before my back gives out. Peace.
I like the way your Dad thinks

haha, yes! I have to wait until DD is sleeping to do much in the way of gardening because she is OBSESSED with playing in dirt. It's not fair if mommy does it and she's not allowed to spill dirt and seeds and water everywhere too! I started some pumpkin seeds indoors last night ;)
Grand-daughters had a great time dumping all the seed I had stored into mud and tossing it out in the burnt field. Hope something comes up, May go stick some extra sunflowers in the ground just to make sure.
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!!!!

I am glad all is well!
only thing wrong with this weather is I try to do to much and am SOO tired
I have a major problem tonight guys, my dog just ran past me before I could grab her and nailed one of our 7 wk old chicks ;(isa brown), the chick died, I had a screaming fit and now husband is mad. To make matters worse the grandchildren are coming tomorrow and will be playing and counting their chicks. I looked on Craigs tonight and there is some one selling 12 week old isa browns near me. Do you think I could put a 12 week in with the 7 weekers and not have a problem ? Or just let it go and explain to the kids and pray they arent as mad as my husband. Dang dog was just to fast and my hands were full with the feeder.
I have a major problem tonight guys, my dog just ran past me before I could grab her and nailed one of our 7 wk old chicks ;(isa brown), the chick died, I had a screaming fit and now husband is mad. To make matters worse the grandchildren are coming tomorrow and will be playing and counting their chicks. I looked on Craigs tonight and there is some one selling 12 week old isa browns near me. Do you think I could put a 12 week in with the 7 weekers and not have a problem ? Or just let it go and explain to the kids and pray they arent as mad as my husband. Dang dog was just to fast and my hands were full with the feeder.

I'd just tell them the truth. Even if you got a new one it would be bigger than the others and still would need to be quarantined. The kids might be sad/upset for a little bit but they'll get over it, and it pays to learn these lessons first hand. Things die, that's just the way it is and everybody's gotta learn that eventually. It's not like they saw it happen and have that image stuck in their minds. Just explain what happened and that it was nobody's fault, dogs will be dogs and it was an accident. Maybe they won't even notice it's missing.
I have a major problem tonight guys, my dog just ran past me before I could grab her and nailed one of our 7 wk old chicks ;(isa brown), the chick died, I had a screaming fit and now husband is mad. To make matters worse the grandchildren are coming tomorrow and will be playing and counting their chicks. I looked on Craigs tonight and there is some one selling 12 week old isa browns near me. Do you think I could put a 12 week in with the 7 weekers and not have a problem ? Or just let it go and explain to the kids and pray they arent as mad as my husband. Dang dog was just to fast and my hands were full with the feeder.

That is too much of an age difference for any breed. also ISA browns are known for not doing well with other breeds.

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