Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Thanks cuppycake, I guess I needed to hear that tonight. We are newbies and I have been so careful with these chicks. Sigh, I know things happen but I sheesh I am sure tired of it always being bad things. I plan on just telling them before they come over.
Oh RaZ! I am so sorry about that! Ya know, we have a spare bedroom in the basement that you can use....Its a walkout basement..... You have been to my farm before, and you said that you liked it.....
As much as I appreciate the thought, I'll continue the fight from here.

Besides, I would probably be a bad influence on you.
I'd tell the truth about the chick. I'm a big fan of raising my kids to know what goes on in the world though. I had a similar accident with a cousin who was a few years younger when one of their young kittens was dropped and died. The mom told her that a disabled boy in a wheel chair came and adopted it. Every time I'd hear my cousin talk about it I would get so miffed that my aunt couldn't just tell her what happened and let her deal with it in her own way.

Okay, if I sounded miffed about that, it is probably because only 7 of my 33 eggs started developing. And the 7 that have something in them are questionable since they seem to have blood pooling instead of healthy looking veins. There goes my $40 for shipped eggs... All 17 of mine were infertile, which I pretty much expected though. Guess it is time for some butt trimming before I resort to AI!
fans on dimmer switches... notorious for killing the fan or the switch... Better to just have it on a regular switch...

RaZ... What a crock of.. that long swear word previously posted.

WHEW! What a day!

I started the coop yesterday with all the free wood I picked up. Old deck planks... Just got the framing done, and realised that flying by the seat of my pants wasn't the bestest of ideas. BUT we are talking about me. Anyway, I took the whole thing apart. I remade it 4x3.5. I am making a nest box off the side so that it's not part of the floor space. Since there will only be the two girls in there, I think just the one will be fine. I was saying that my $23 coop was going to be more, but NOPE. Neighbor (Carl) gave me hinges, screws and here is the best part, METAL ROOF! with the nails for it. SO, now I can take the roof I was going to have and use it for a door and a part of it for a nest box door! SO! We are like.. YES! $23 coop!

Here is what it's looking like at the moment... ONLY more is done on it. the side over the nest box is also on. Still need to cut the wood to shape for the top triangles, but I am thinking, I might make shutters that I can put on and off depending on the weather, and then put hardware clothe in those triangles, to keep it cooler in the summer...

Anyway, the metal roof will over hang all the way around. HEY, Don't go thinking those are really for sale signs, this is not for sale... Unless you wanna give me a couple hundred bucks. LOL. Just kidding. Like I said... The back and the side facing are wooded up. The back has a 2 inch gap the will get covered with hardware clothe also then covered over in the winter. But for the summer, it will allow the west wind through.

I also got the run cleaned up as much as I could today. There is still a lot of mud in there, and wow, a lot of dirt from outside ended up inside. Not complaining on that.. Anyway, was able to get the summer area opened up also so air can get through there. I am hoping that by the end of the weekend it'll be dry enough to get all the rest of that wet straw out. Smell has already improved.

I hope also by the end of this weekend to have the Marans moved to this coop. Right now they are in pen in the run, and they are ok with it, but they need an actual COOP. I will work on building them a run over the summer. When they have the 5 foot high fencing on sale, they'll get it. Yes, I am still going to use the old swing set as a run. Talk about repurposing!

Anyway, my neck hurts, my head aches, my feet feel like someone fat has been walking all over creation on them... oh wait... my feet hurt from walking so much today... BUT Got a lot accomplished. OH, AND I moved that frame from my drive way to the back using a winter sled. Man.. who would have ever thought a sled would come in so handy. We put it up on the sled, my neice and nephew kept it steady and I pulled till we got it in place! SO, that's why my arms hurt. Gracious I am so filthy.
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Oh no there was a larger section on horses ! LOL My Dad almost had a fit when I read that to him. Before he was only patting me on the head saying "You do what you want to do little girl" He still thinks I am 12 not 53 btw. Now he WANTS chickens lol! He said they act like we live in town not 7 frigging miles from town in the middle of the woods. When I told him we have to notify our neighbors, he asked if we have to notify ourselves since we are our own neighbors. We own five 2 1/2 acre lots that are all connecting. lol
If you are zoned as farm, then you won't have to worry about paying to get approved. Just get them.
I have a major problem tonight guys, my dog just ran past me before I could grab her and nailed one of our 7 wk old chicks ;(isa brown), the chick died, I had a screaming fit and now husband is mad. To make matters worse the grandchildren are coming tomorrow and will be playing and counting their chicks. I looked on Craigs tonight and there is some one selling 12 week old isa browns near me. Do you think I could put a 12 week in with the 7 weekers and not have a problem ? Or just let it go and explain to the kids and pray they arent as mad as my husband. Dang dog was just to fast and my hands were full with the feeder.
Sorry about losing your chick.
Hi everyone in Michigan!
I just stopped by to see what this group is like.

I live in Pinconning, with 6 ducks, six last years hatch Welsummers two roosters, 4 hens. Just lost a 6 2 1/2 ,month old Australorp and RIR chicks because the family little nine pound dog was glued watching their fast movement. Then found a weak spot in the fencing and processed to scare them to death. Reinforced the fencing and purchased an electric fence controller, etc. Just need for the weather to clear up to install the equipment for the electric fencing. Temporary measure was to lay four foot fencing on the ground and fastening it to the upright fencing with zip strips. Now the dog just sits watching as the fence digging and pushing is too much work. I gave a stern talking to the dog. I told the dog, "Don't you know they make the egg you get to eat?"
No more cooked eggs for the dog.
I replaced 4 with 2 1/2 month old buff orpington chicks to date. Just looking for more to replace the other 8 brown eggers.

Hi everyone in Michigan!
I just stopped by to see what this group is like.

I live in Pinconning, with 6 ducks, six last years hatch Welsummers two roosters, 4 hens. Just lost a 6 2 1/2 ,month old Australorp and RIR chicks because the family little nine pound dog was glued watching their fast movement. Then found a weak spot in the fencing and processed to scare them to death. Reinforced the fencing and purchased an electric fence controller, etc. Just need for the weather to clear up to install the equipment for the electric fencing. Temporary measure was to lay four foot fencing on the ground and fastening it to the upright fencing with zip strips. Now the dog just sits watching as the fence digging and pushing is too much work. I gave a stern talking to the dog. I told the dog, "Don't you know they make the egg you get to eat?"
No more cooked eggs for the dog.
I replaced 4 with 2 1/2 month old buff orpington chicks to date. Just looking for more to replace the other 8 brown eggers.


Sorry about the losses, but welcome to the Michigan thread!

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