Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

If you are zoned as farm, then you won't have to worry about paying to get approved. Just get them.
Sorry about losing your chick.

We are zoned RF recreational forest and it is the only zone that will allow animals. I think as long as the neighbors are ok with it I should be ok. If they are not okay with it... Well then you will be seeing all the logging trails in the back of my property blocked off with no trespassing signs. It would be a pity since they are so old as to be included on maps in this area...

Thank you to everyone, this morning the one dog that got the chick went outside, sat by the coop and kept her head hung. Our other dogs wouldn't even go by her. The grandkids know what happened and are planning on planting flowers over the grave today. Welcome to all the new people, this is an awesome group !
It was such a nice day yesterday that we decided to take a walk along our trails in the back. While walking we always look down to see what animal tracks we have. I saw one and didnt know what it was so looked it up.. OMG..We have weasels :( I know they are bad for chickens! They won't grab them during the day will they? Knowing this, how would you build to protect your chickens?

Hey RaZ - I introduced the ducks to the frog pond this morning. I can honestly say they took to it like ducks to water, lol. They follow me around the yard with the chickens and come running to my voice when I call 'duckies'. They still won't come close enough to eat from my hand but I'm working on that . . . I still have to research the indian runners, I'm not sure if the males get a drake feather or not. They are both so quiet, I'll never be able to sex them from their quacking! Those little Rouens are so pretty and are turning out to be the most bossy of the bunch, lol. They'll even try to push the Pekins that are twice their size around!
I'm enjoying them and the chickens seem very ocomfortable around them, too.
I can't wait to start fencing in around the pond and building duck huts! I'm thinking of doing pallet fencing for part of it.
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That is to bad, we have lost several of my grand kids fav. chickens. some I told them a head of time about some I didn't mention and they didn't notice. the ones that are "special", crippled, odd color they would notice, They handle it well, I don't go into detail, just that they died. they handle it very well,
1mutts, congrats on your pic being POW!
Hi everyone in Michigan!
I just stopped by to see what this group is like.
sorry about your loss,
check out Mi, chicken stock, in the forum, June 22 in Lansing, all are welcome and a good time for all
Ain't that always the way??
good strong fencing and electric wiring,,,, dig fencing down, at least a foot, and all windows covered in hardware cloth fastened from the outside with washers and screws. maybe build a ft. or 2 off the ground, harder to dig into a coop that way
guess what I did this AM

You guessed it, spring cleaned the coop, Took all roosts, poop boards, outside scrubbed and sprayed with bleach water, sprayed down both rooms inside the coop with hose and garden sprayer filled with bleach and a little detergent. First took out and hulled 4 tarp full of old litter to sledding hill out back to smother weeds.
started at 6:30, finished about 9:30. Now I have to take down the back half of the run winter cover and finish cleaning out the run......
good strong fencing and electric wiring,,,, dig fencing down, at least a foot, and all windows covered in hardware cloth fastened from the outside with washers and screws. maybe build a ft. or 2 off the ground, harder to dig into a coop that way
Okay, are you talking about having fencing buried laying down around the fence line? I would do that to dog runs when I didn't want a digger to get out. Other then the cost of extra fencing it would be a snap since I live in a huge sandbox and my dad has a kubota tractor. I am now thinking about having a larger central building 12x12 maybe with a fence around it and then another fence for the chicken runs. Which one should have the electric fencing? A cement floor is in my future I believe..
Hey RaZ - I introduced the ducks to the frog pond this morning. I can honestly say they took to it like ducks to water, lol. They follow me around the yard with the chickens and come running to my voice when I call 'duckies'. They still won't come close enough to eat from my hand but I'm working on that . . .
I know they liked the kiddie wading pool that I had set up for them.
The first time I hand fed them duck-crack (peas) they all ran together and crashed into each other like a freeway accident. Maybe they remember that and are a little more cautious. I'm sure they will be eating out of your hand in no time.

I miss those guys.

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