Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I know they liked the kiddie wading pool that I had set up for them.
The first time I hand fed them duck-crack (peas) they all ran together and crashed into each other like a freeway accident. Maybe they remember that and are a little more cautious. I'm sure they will be eating out of your hand in no time.

I miss those guys.

If you are ever up this way and want to stop in to visit them, just let me know
. Or, if you move or somehow win the 'right' to have ducks again maybe I'll have baby ducks to gift back to you

They still knock each other (and everything else) out of the way for peas. I bought several pounds for the freezer and they get lots! The chickens love the peas, too, of course. The Pekins and the chickens will eat it out of my hands, but the little ones are still trying to decide if it's a trick or something, lol. The cock their cute little heads up and look at me with one eye - trying to figure out if they trust me yet or not.

Well, everyone enjoy this gorgeous day! I'm off to get some work done around here. Stall is mucked, critters are fed and watered. Now I have to tackle the big coop and move the smaller one . . .

Are you building more coops? Or are those wood stands for another project?
if you are talking to me, those are my roosts, the poop boards slide in under the 2x4 roosts. all are drying in the sun,will spray with orange spray when dry
Okay, are you talking about having fencing buried laying down around the fence line? I would do that to dog runs when I didn't want a digger to get out. Other then the cost of extra fencing it would be a snap since I live in a huge sandbox and my dad has a kubota tractor. I am now thinking about having a larger central building 12x12 maybe with a fence around it and then another fence for the chicken runs. Which one should have the electric fencing? A cement floor is in my future I believe..
it can lay down or go straight down, and it has the same purpose, to discourage diggers., our big coop is 8x16, people door and poop door, 2 windows would like to cut the door in half and make it a french style for more breeze in summer. you may want to check out premier 1 for their electric netting. works well for keeping chickens in a moveable lg area, and keeping out ground predators. I plan to put electric wire around my large run so when I go on vacation I can leave the door open with out worrying about something getting in. hope to have an electric door by then

Nova nice coop, other coop (don't remember who posted it,,,, very nice.

I'm not sure if the males get a drake feather or not. They are both so quiet, I'll never be able to sex them from their quacking! Those little Rouens are so pretty and are turning out to be the most bossy of the bunch, lol.

Your males should all get the drake feather. Give the voices a little time, usually I can sort by ~8wks or so. And my Rouens are also bossy, but still sweet, I've got one with my Runner babies right now :)

And RaZ-- I too hope and pray that some people start thinking sensibly! Hang in there.
Last night DH and I got into a tiff. he'd spent the entire day, sun up to sun down out turkey hunting. I said "since you got to do what you wanted today I would like to go to the MBGBA swap tomorrow". Well he goes on this big rant about how he had to go hunting this morning, that turkey tag isn't going to fill itself, he already had plans to go with friends, yada yada yada. So I'm miffed that I don't get to go to the swap. This morning I wake up and realize I'd somehow managed to sleep in (which I needed, trying to fight off a cold) but guess who I find in bed with me? Yeah, my husband. The same husband that told me I couldn't go to the swap because he was going hunting this morning whether I like it or not. So we both missed out on what we wanted to do today and I'm pretty annoyed to say the least.

I hope anyone that did get to go to the swap had a good time and was able to buy/sell some nice stuff. My search for heritage turkey poults continues. If it gets down to the wire I will probably try to order from Meyer, but I sure as heck don't need 20 poults so if anyone in the Detroit/Flint/Port Huron areas needs poults and wants to go in on an order with me that would be awesome. Or if you know where I can get some locally?
Successfully moved my ees out to the grow out side of the coop. The 3 month olds that I moved out of there and into adult side to free range don't quite get it yet. They haven't gone more than 10 feet away from coop and are lined up outside the run. Hopefully they'll catch on within a couple days. :/

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