Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Sarah, so sorry for your poor hatch. I have also had several disasterous shipped eggs experiences. You might want to post in the incubation section for more advice, but in my experience shipped eggs come with a very high failure rate. Have you seen the hatching 101 article in the Learning Center? It has a special section for hatching shipped eggs.
I was going to plant the cool weather stuff this weekend but it just seemed way wrong when the white stuff was coming down, actually still is here.

Happy Mother's day to those who are moms. Today makes me think of and miss my dog Hera. She was born on mother's day and 13 years later died on mother's day.
I know how you feel....this is sad day for me as well.. my baby Kaine was also born and passed on Mothers day.

What beautiful dogs... you guys sure were lucky to have them.

Sarah, I had the same thing with several of the quiters. I am thinking it has something to do with the shipping. Even worse if you have a crappy postal worker having a crappy day... I had some eggs that the veins weren't spider formed, but up and down formed, embryo started and stopped by lock down. At lock down, because I am such a newb at this, I left the ones that I was sure were quits, just because I wasn't sure. I had 3 hatch from that side out of the 13 I had marked. But on that side, the same thing you are discribing, clear air cell, chick development,but the bottom 3rd of the egg was also clear. I am wondering if some of those were just too scrambled, but I didn't catch it? Hm.. don't know. I am going to try it again. After all, I did get 17 chicks out of the 36 I put in lock down, and only 23 of those I was sure of.
Thanks Nova........

Does Uggo look a bit like Gonzo?

Does Gonzo look like he's flipping off the camera? Bad Gonzo... bad! LOL!
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Hi everyone - happy mother's day!
What you're describing about the shipped eggs being clear on the bottom sounds like my shipped silkie eggs from last hatch. The only one that did develop had a huge airsac - like a horseshoe shape, but the part that went down the side and bottom was separate. I didn't know that until I took it out after it died. It had internally pipped into the lower part but had no chance of reaching the shell. I've had awful luck with shipped eggs!
Not sure what I'm going to do about it but I have my first broody I think :) Betty, my year old black australorp hasn't budged from her selected nest for two full days, slept in it last night. She's all "puffed up" and won't let anyone reach under her. So I'm not sure if I want more chicks right now. I have 21 five week olds almost ready to leave the brooder. I really will have two full coops once they grow up, but I would LOVE to get a few salmon faverolles eggs to put under her. I lost my only sf hen in late March to a raccoon. Her single egg in my incubator at the time did hatch, but it's a boy (mixed with Easter egger). Right now she's determined to hatch the ceramic eggs I've given her. She tucks them under herself so eagerly when I put one near her. Enjoy your day Moms! I'm on my way to Cadillac right now (DH driving) to see my mom with my family. Don't forget to cover your plants tonight!
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!

I acquired a single chick. A bantam favorelle about 6-7 wks old. Does anyone around Flint area have a bantam pullet around the same age that I can get to give this girl a buddy?? I feel so bad for her, she looks lonely. Too old to put under a broody.
Oh- my RSL hen with the respiratory problem is improving. She only has an occasional gurgle so I'm hoping she's recovering from whatever it was. I'll watch to see if it gets worse with temperature - if it ever warms up again.
Good news Wright, hope she continues!

We did a hive check yesterday to make sure the queen left her box. She's out and they're already busy building comb!

So far everything is progressing as it should!


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