Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I don't know what they were but I would probably use DE if you wanted to get rid of them...Love the hoop, the girls (human) stood in it while it rained today. Wanted a pic LOL Crazy kids!
Good job Raz!


With yesterday's rain and the hheat predictged for today, the garden should start to flourish. I weeded and tilled everything so for now there are no weeds to benefit from the coming warmth. The largest percentage of the weeds I have this year are volunteer tomatoes. While not actually a weed they aren't wanted or needed so they had to go.

Granny has an 8am doctor appointment so I will buy her breakfast afterwards and then take her with me when I drive to Marne to get a part for the jet pump on the boat. Hopefully the new wear ring will improve the boat's performance to the point that I can quit fixin' and start fishin'.
You've clearly never met my Kiku. I think she's actually a small dog with pointy ears. My daughter has her rolling over on command, and she comes running to have her belly scratched whenever I come home.
Clarence and Tammy, however, completely fit your definition.
Oh, and you forgot. If you DON'T like cats, cats will find you absolutely irresistible.

And that's it right there. I'm definitely an introvert. Being of Finnish descent, my personal space is approximately five acres. :eek:)
That's me as well, though not Finnish.

Awesome all around today! Like that hoop house.

Ok so today I approached an overgrown area of my yard, anyway found some thistles that were just covered with these little teeny tiny black bugs... Primarily at the tips. But the weeds appeared black, there were just hundreds of the bugs. What were they, does anyone know? Sorry was without phone so no pic

Could be a type of aphid? All bunched up together? Are there ants present?
Even chicken criminals can be environmentally friendly.
Wooot! I cannot think of a better way to get back at, errrrm, I mean rise above the pettiness of the neighbors and the OO! There have been a lot of interesting suggestions floated here (party of like-minded criminal keepers at RaZ's house until the wee hours of the morning, painting chickens on his garage, loaning him roosters for day visits, etc) but this is so socially and environmentally responsible--and it's a big honkin' in your face sign proclaiming RaZ's place is a F*A*R*M, gol durn it. (Which as we know is a four letter word in Garden City both literally and figuratively). Wait, I bet there's some regulation that prohibits you from having that sign in your front yard, isn't there? In any case, you should be very proud, and you are leading the way for the rest of us. As you say, it's the right thing to do. The fact the neighbors and the OO will have steam coming out their ears is their own personal problem.
Could be a type of aphid? All bunched up together? Are there ants present?

Maybe aphid? I'll research that. No ants, but I did see a tiny round thing that looked suspiciously like an un-engorged tick... And that freaked me right out. So what I ended up doing was scraping the bugs off onto my ducks' wet fermented feed. Hahaha take that bugs.

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