Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I ought to put a byc bumper sticker on! Lol

I learned of making "vivariums" last night...getting closer to figuring what i want! Something like that could have snails and be more alive and less sterile??? Anyone?
What, and where, is chicken stock?
Hello JewelsChicks
here you go for your phone connection. Hope you can see the "links" or click and to to the threads!

you think that would work against ospreys

Any osprey eats fish for the majority of its diet. It will not attack your chickens unless it is starving. Even the rivers and lakes are starting to thaw around here, so if you are farther south, there should be more open water. So yea, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. There is an osprey here that will chill in a tall tree by my coop. Haven't lost a bird to any aerial predator yet.

Bald eagles are the same, and also perch in that tree. I even took a picture of a bald eagle in the tree, with all the chickens free ranging underneath.
Powers out for who knows how long. Worried about our chicks who are in the garage. I guess we should bring them in tonight. Trees down everywhere and even saw one large one that was completely uprooted. The wind here was intense.
Powers out for who knows how long. Worried about our chicks who are in the garage. I guess we should bring them in tonight. Trees down everywhere and even saw one large one that was completely uprooted. The wind here was intense.
Yikes! Where is that?

It was near perfect here today. Sunny nearly all day long and a high of 67 degrees. Even the garage is sitting at 65 degrees.
The canaries ranged all day long while the parakeets stayed in the aviary.
The best part of the day was that the canaries put themselves to bed without any coaxing.
And one more thing - I have two white ee pullets I'm going to sell. $7.00 each. I ended up with all three of the yellow chicks being white and already have a white adult, so I'll keep one and make room for others :) Will also sell two black ee unsexed chicks, $3.50 each. All about 3 weeks old.

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