Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

How old is the roo? Did you raise him from chick?

He is... 6ish months? I got him with the others and I remember that they are right at egg laying age right now. Sorry. I know that is not very helpful. And yes I did raise him from a chick. Lots of interaction. They were in our livingroom till 6ish weeks. Then to the mud room, then outside. We all interacted with them all daily.
Speaking of predators......must have been raising babies or something because we hadn't heard the coyotes out at night yet this year and thought maybe the winter got them, but NOOOOO. Woke me up 2x last night because I could hear them yipping out in. the field. Not toooo close, but we did have one that ventured maybe within 100 yards or so. Not a fan.

Was going to apply for a doe/antlerless tag last night but after I looked at the quotas for where we hunt, I'm going to skip it and buy over the counter. Pretty sure there aren't going to be over 5000 applicants for where we rifle hunt.

What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cement mixer?


A brick layer
Lol! (On the joke)

(On the bad roo)
Yup, your roo got hormones then. :( I have tried both methods of handling a lot or barely touching and believe it is all in the genes. Sorry i don't know anyone; DH shoots mine for me but i bury them after. Too bad because a good roo is such a joy.
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Just got back from a little vacation up and around M-22. DH and I stayed at a lovely bed & breakfast called Hillside Homestead in Sutton's Bay -- more of a farm stay, I suppose! A perfect 1910 farmhouse, pigs, chickens, and historical food... 2 thumbs up if you can go!

Sad to be home, but I definitely would like to get a LANGSHAN now after seeing hers. My oh my, they have such pretty eyes! Neighbor kids loved watching the chickens since ours finally are getting eggs on a regular basis now.

Sad to hear of any losses, and welcome to any new BYCers! Definitely don't have time to catch up on the 150+ posts with a wedding weekend and work catch-up...OH, and the laundry! PHEW!
I haven't been on here in a bit. Hello again!

First, I ended up with a rooster... I thought I would keep him, but have now decided not to after he went after me, bit me and would not let go. I can't have that happen to one of the kids. What do I do with him? Taking care of him myself is forbidden. *shrugs* Someone mentioned to me sending him to the Amish to have him dispatched and have him returned for meat. Would they really only do 1? But I can't figure out how to contact them.

Anyway, we have 8 hens and one chick (well, 9? weeks old) in addition to the rooster. So we are at out 10 chicken limit per township rules. The ladies are due to start laying any day now! Yeah! We have them semi free range? Or would they be free range? What ever took out our chicken last year has not been back or maybe the coop is just secure enough and I see no signs. Either way, during the day, the chickens are allowed to roam our .4 or .5 acre fenced in back yard (.7 acre total). At night I let them into the shed (half is their coop). The kids now have to wear shoes outside, but my bug problem is gone. We only had an issue with an escapee once.

And that addition we were waiting on? Well, there has been a lot of delays in various areas, but we are so close to being done now! They just need to blow the insulation into the ceiling and then the final inspection. YEAH!!!!! Did I tell you I am pregnant (lol yes again) with what will be our last child? Due the first week of December. No more after this. 6 kids is enough.

I will start trying to post more. Maybe take a picture of my flock and you can help me figure out what breeds I ended up with.
The Miller's out by Sandy's Harley Davidson. 231-821-2409 8888 200th Ave Holton. I've been going there for years. Yes they'll do one bird. 1.75 per bird dressed, cooled down, and wrapped.

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