Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

My BYC is broken. Right know it says I have one subscription but when I click it three threads are marked as unread. But even when I read them it doesn't work
. Am I only one with this issue?
Mine did it yesterday. To fix it, click on the "subscriptions" box.

Directly to the right of Recent Backyard Chickens Activity >>>> The box should be blue.
For debugging your coop, you might consider a Hot Shot Pest Strip

I would not leave it in the coop all the time, but would maybe close the coop tight with one in it for the day, leaving the chickens outside, and repeat it weekly until the bugs are gone. It works on a vapor basis, so will not work outdoors, and you should air out of the coop once you open it back up. Store it in a tightly sealed ziplock bag between times.
mutts, I found this after reading up on several sites fyi Hot Shot's own website says not for use with chickens.
I also use Ivermectin, the large animal injectable labeled one ml. per 80 lbs. body wt. for goats, and I use it that way. So I use 0.1 ml. for standard sized birds, and 0.05 ml. for bantams, either on the skin, or orally. I use a tuberculin syringe. Mary
Yes, that is why you should lock the chickens out of the coop while you are treating it, and air it out well before you let them back in. Same as if you were using it in a garage or some place where people go ;)
I gotta think about that. Seems a bit more toxic than I want to use but others might be okay with it.

Nerve damage is nothing to play with. I was reading where folks used them in their bedrooms and pantries. Yikes!

*edit for pantries not panties....ewww

My typos are really bad not that Ebony has discovered my mouse pointer on the screen, she sits on the keyboard.
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Good evening everyone! I would really like to buy 3-4 red/brown color hens, not particular about what breed they are but would like them under a year old and already laying or at point of lay. I have a flock of 5 hens over 30 weeks that still have not started laying!. I live in the Reese area and would prefer not to travel more than a 30-35 mile radius of there to pick up hens if at all possible. Please let me know if you have anything you want to sell and the price you require, thank you so much.

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