Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Kinda random but been stewing over a possible home for a couple of my doves. Mentioned them in conversation with a stranger, she says she had been looking to possibly get pet birds and she spent a lot of time with her grandmothers doves and offered to let me see her house first without me asking.
Thing is, doves are easily scared and delicate. So that is one fear i have. Also i was not planning on taking money for the ones i was going to rehome, and since they go for $30 and though i got a steal of a deal on their dog kennel style cage they go in stores for over $100 at that size.....could be looking to resale and cash in.

Waffling and uncertain how to weed out the wrong people. I would love to keep them all but did not mean to have so many i just kept getting boys! And my plan to match like with like went amuck since the lady bird had so many to choose from....lol. I am still looking for a wild type color female. And you thought chicken math was bad!!!
misfit.....i will have some white crested polish soon...just waiting for the pair to show up....

also im the wrecking ball....lol...i used to do demolition for a living for 5 years....dont want to say it...to loud but i was apart of taking tiger stadium down...we played ball for lunch...and drove forklifts around....as we were the only four in the stadium other then the one security gaurd...was pretty fun...

got the problem fixed with the water...it only affected certain parts of the house...glad thing for shut off valves...but just waiting unit 8 so i can try and fun the water...well keep our fingers crossed

well something good happened.....

Ok let me know what you get maybe we can do swaps. I know the Blue will make Blue, Black, and Splash. Glad your water got sorted out and that warm water is comming, my kitchen drain has been frozen for what feels like all of winter, the water freezes on and off but thats why we have heat tape lol. Nice GQFs let me know when you have some ringnecks hatched out of those things. i also made a deal with a guy to get alot of turkey eggs from him, Bourbon Red, Blue Slate and i believe he has a commercial or two running around.
Kinda random but been stewing over a possible home for a couple of my doves. Mentioned them in conversation with a stranger, she says she had been looking to possibly get pet birds and she spent a lot of time with her grandmothers doves and offered to let me see her house first without me asking.
Thing is, doves are easily scared and delicate. So that is one fear i have. Also i was not planning on taking money for the ones i was going to rehome, and since they go for $30 and though i got a steal of a deal on their dog kennel style cage they go in stores for over $100 at that size.....could be looking to resale and cash in.

Waffling and uncertain how to weed out the wrong people. I would love to keep them all but did not mean to have so many i just kept getting boys! And my plan to match like with like went amuck since the lady bird had so many to choose from....lol. I am still looking for a wild type color female. And you thought chicken math was bad!!!
I dont know where your at but there is a guy in harrisville who has all kinds of Doves that might have some matches for you. He even has some of those fantail looking type. i have his contact info if you live close enough and want to get a hold of him.
sorry my bad they are white crested black polish.....lol forgot to put that...
crazy thing is we have heat tape on and it still froze...same thing will the well pit when it freezes it has heat tape and a 250w bulb in the pit which is four feet down....weird...michigan was thinking about putting the freeze point to i believe to 53"...cant remember where i read that.
but morning is good so far....going to collect some eggs and get them ready for incubation station...goal is 60...not in one day...........hahahaha
sorry my bad they are white crested black polish.....lol forgot to put that...
crazy thing is we have heat tape on and it still froze...same thing will the well pit when it freezes it has heat tape and a 250w bulb in the pit which is four feet down....weird...michigan was thinking about putting the freeze point to i believe to 53"...cant remember where i read that.
but morning is good so far....going to collect some eggs and get them ready for incubation station...goal is 60...not in one day...........hahahaha
Maybe we can swap some eggs when they start laying and you get yours. Then we can both have other lines Blue X Black will make 50% Blue and 50% Black...Course i dont know if you want Blue, Black, and Splash lol. We kept having the water freeze too we had to go buy another heattape and dig up part of the ground and wrap the lines comming in...for some reason it was freezing like 2 inches of line right where it comes out of the ground even though it was all insulated and the end og the heat tape was there. We also have a small electric heater on the pressure tank and well that is all insulated in, the heater is set on the lowest setting it has, even with all that if you accidently unplug the heat tapes, the lines freeze right up its a pain and we are definately fixing it before next winter or moving. i would hope not 60 eggs in one day, least not chicken eggs. BTW do you know why a peahen would never lay eggs? The peahen is over 3yrs old i think and has never laid an egg, she even has a pied india Blue peacock and that didnt even entice her i guess.
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  And the dog is in heaven...he didn't understand at first what the noise was, but once he actually saw them he was so excited.  He stood with the side of his face leaning against the side of the tank just writhing with happiness....a 100# dog in total love with these little wisps of fluff!!  The highlight of his day is the morning and evening trips to the coop to check on his birds...and heaven forbid you say the word "chicken"....he will beat a path to the door to head out and check on his girls.  He has definitely tapped into his farm dog ancestry!!

Our Boxer loves the chickens and does great with chicks. This will be our chihuahua's first year with chicks and I am a bit worried about him.

Sorry to hear your water troubles Birdman. Hopefully repairs and clean up go smoothly and quickly.

Pippin my wcb Polish has recovered wonderfully from his frostbitten wattles. He lost a bit on only one side and now looks lopsided. I want to boot him out but this cold is making it impossible. He has been partially bald for a long time but this separation has given his crest a chance to regrow. My big concern now is that Brutus my Malay boy is going to think he's a new guy and trounce him.

I don't normally use hay in the coop but this year there is some in and on the duck box. It seems the guineas have decided that it is for them and I end up resupplying every day. I know it's good for them I just worry the chickens will end up with problems if they copy.

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