Michigan Thread - all are welcome!


My d'uccle that just hatched. Not sure on color, either Mille fluer(spelling?) or porcelain. Sorry about the red light. I gave him a more fluffier stuffed toy, he wasn't satisfied with the cat lol.
Eek! Hate the thought of that. We founds bats while tearing out the upstairs last year. First thing we started on once getting this place, tearing out crumbling old plaster walls. Still a work in progress. Really hoping they're gone now.

Yikes! I hope you figure it out! We had bats in our chimney one year and a raccoon another year...
Pretty sure it's a red squirrel, not sure how it got in though.. Time to go to the roof today.
3 chicks hatched yesterday.......#4 overnight and #5 this morning...#6 pipped and breathing.
good job, like your feeder

Pretty sure I got some kind of critter in my chimney.. I hear it clawing up there. :(

sorry about that we had a bat one year ,put on some leather gloves and managed to catch it in a net .it was very greatfull to be back outside and free
The Greenfire Farms imported Jill Rees Cream Legbars are in full lay mode! I'm getting about 8-10 eggs a day now!
nice eggs and congratulations!!

going to be a busy week here, have 4 dogs and 2 cats in the house along with 5 adults. Daughter and son both went on vacation with their families and lucky grandma and grandpa get to dog sit for 2 Big dogs and a over active fox terrier. along with our big dog and cat and granddaughter's cat. poor chickens have to stay in the run all week. I have an electric wire around the runs and the fox, found it already, that should keep him away form the chickens.
I woke up to 5 pipped Jill Rees Cream Legbar eggs! I set 40 eggs. They're not officially due until tomorrow morning. I'm anxious to see how many have hatched by the time I get home after work! Exciting!!!
I have 6 chicks out of their shells and another 6 pipped! YAY!!!! Hatch date is officially tomorrow. So, I was pleasantly surprised today!
I have 6 chicks out of their shells and another 6 pipped! YAY!!!! Hatch date is officially tomorrow. So, I was pleasantly surprised today!
I have 7 out that weren't due until tomorrow but started yesterday...2 more to go but no pips.
My Wellies were all clear :(
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I have 6 chicks out of their shells and another 6 pipped! YAY!!!! Hatch date is officially tomorrow. So, I was pleasantly surprised today!

I have 7 out that weren't due until tomorrow but started yesterday...2 more to go but no pips.
My Wellies were all clear :(

Sorry to hear about the Welsummers, but congrats on the others!!! Yay for all the chicks hatching!!!!

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