Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Wait until you join the Rare Chicken Breeds Sell/Swap page...drool! Eye candy for sure...
We're putting 1/4" drywall over our plaster in the living room this week. Busy week is busy. I had originally hoped to restore the plaster but it's just too far gone to do it in any type of time effective manner. Being that this plaster is 114 years old, I suppose it's no surprise. Anyway, one wall hung, 3 to go. I've never done drywall before so this has been a most interesting experience. It sure does make the room look different already though, I can't imagine it all completed and painted. The chickens are still growing; they're 6 weeks and 4 weeks (EE's). Man do they eat a lot now! I burned through a 20 lb bag of chick starter in a little under 3 weeks. I picked up a 50lb bag tonight to finish em up with. Hope everyone's doing well.
Uh oh....i have a thing for rarities..... Drywall tip: you can save a lot of sanding if you take a damp wrung out sponge over the partially set patches you are mudding. I can usually get them invisably blended by the second coat (screw dent mudding, second time is in case it shrinks in while drying) As an aside toothpaste works in a pinch to cover nail holes from pictures.
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The chickens are still growing; they're 6 weeks and 4 weeks (EE's). Man do they eat a lot now! I burned through a 20 lb bag of chick starter in a little under 3 weeks. I picked up a 50lb bag tonight to finish em up with.

Hope everyone's doing well.
that seems like a lot of feed for 10 chicks? I could be wrong

Birdman, nice hoop house, did you use 4x4 for the bottom frame .or just double 2x4's??......love the pea's such a pretty blue

thanks for the tips on plaster board Fuzzy, hope to be doing some of that in the basement this yr. been tore apart for 2 yr.s hopefully the guys start getting things back together this yr

Another cold windy day, guess I need to get some inside cleaning done today
Well, my flock and herd is growing, so my lovely wife Grace Anderson and I are starting our own flock.

Awww, you're having a dragon! I'm joking; I can't read those things for beans. Seriously though, congratulations!
I have a couple questions. I'm new to this site, and I'm looking for a couple answers, I live in the city if Jackson, Michigan & don't know what the limits are to having chickens. I could like to have a couple for eggs, Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the thread hoytzr, there's a lot of great information here. It moves fast in case you haven't already realized that!
Howdy fellow Michiganders. Long time BYC'er here, but I strayed from the nest for years. I forgot what a great group this was and hopefully some of you are still here that I met years ago. I have moved around a few times but have finally settled and just ordered more chicks again. I look forward to hearing from all of you.

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