Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Same here...for the last couple hours.
Glad it's not coming down wet, clinging to the run mesh and then freezing...
...also glad to not have too drive anywhere today.
snowflake, those look like faverolles?!? I am thinking about going back to the faves, they were nice birds. I'm starting all over for the most part with new stock and not sure what breed I want.

Well, I buried uggo, the same day we buried a friend. Christmas Eve day. Funerals at Christmas are the worst I think. Unfortunately, I've been to a few of them.

My holiday was pretty good. We don't have young ones to celebrate with anymore either, so our holiday has just grown up a bit, we couldn't be with my family so, we had friends come stay with us which was fun.

It's sleeting here at the moment, it looks like the weather is breaking up a tad, hopefully we won't get what we were supposed to!
This isn't chicken related but I am fostering a terrier mix that is going to have puppies. They will need homes. We think the dad is a ahhh tzu. This is all through the calhoun county shelter
fluf, love the puppy, hope you can find good homes. DH would not be happy if I brought home another dog

silly,.... the hen and roo are Ameraucana's, parents were bought from John Blehm, Roo looks just like his dad. not sure who the mom's were I picked the bluest eggs to put under a hen, hen has not laid yet but I expect her eggs to be a good blue

got about 2or3 in of snow here under the ice. have not ventured out yet, looks slippery
Things are looking up. 3 eggs today and 3 yesterday.

But these 3 roosters have got to go. I like the crowing but the hens don't like all the "attention".

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