Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

You definitely don't want to get peas (vegetable) and sweet peas (flower) mixed up as, apparently, every part of the sweet pea is toxic/poisonous! I have a packet of sweet pea seeds, but really don't want to risk poisoning any of my nieces and nephews, or my puppy, or my clumsy self, or anyone else for that matter.
Well, It is Good Friday and they were closed. Now that I have more names, I will do a search.I remember back in the days, they used to send catalogs or seeds and plants. I have not seen those in a while.

Had 1/3 of a tuna with cheese sandwich from Subway. Hub was like, nope! No meat yesterday and today too? He had an italian sandwich,lol

Girls are doing good. Wyndottes are BFF with Papa. The best part is that I went in and said good morning to the girls and he immediately said it back to me in a way of a crow. He comes close to me but I have to trick him if I was to pick him up. They are still working on their cabbage. The other 8 are savages and had already finished theirs. They wanted to come out but it is too windy and have a call from VA soon. They are fine inside with plenty of food and water. They just want to be pampered,lol

The wind is still a bit strong. Not as much as yesterday but still you can feel it.
Holy cats! The wind hasn't stopped in 2 days. The trees are swaying like crazy. There are white caps on the lake. Yesterday, there was a power pole blown over but the wires were still intact. Crews were out to guard over lines while they waited for a new pole to arrive. I would liked to see how they deal with that repair but I had to work.

There were quite a few trees down in the back way to my house. A 15+ foot oak was across the trail so I picked it up and muscled it up to the roof of the Jeep. I strapped it to the roof rack and continued home. When I took it off the roof I lost hold of it and it fell...taking out the passenger side mirror. :he
Are these good or the poisonous ones?
Those are the good ones. When they talk about how many peas per pod and how many days till harvest, they're the edible ones. If they had a picture of pretty flowers and talked about how wonderful they smell, those would be the poisonous ones, because they are only grown for the pretty flowers.



Well, long afternoon. Took a nap. Went back out and had the most wonderful time with Pitbull and the girls. He let me pick him up. Fussed a bit but getting the hang of it. He is very intuitive and looks at everything that goes on as if he was studying it all. He does not impose himself to the wyndottes. They just hang around.

However, he is to be with the others,so I sat with him and had a very long conversation. Told him that he needs to be gentle with the girls and patient. That Sophia is very fragile because she has no feathers on her neck. Then told him that Blanch was the one with the fluffy cheecks and that she too is fragile because everyone pecks on her on top of her tail, so he needed to be easy with his feet. Told him that Rachel and Monica were good girls but he needs to take his time with them. And of course tha P2 is completely off limits because he already hard hurt her and she is very sensitive especially on her comb. Then as I kept petting him, told him that lil mama is small like him and that she will make a good mama one day for him but he still needs to be a courteous gentleman with her and that baby mama was the smallest one and also a real feisty one so to please be patient with her. Then about after 30 min of talk, I took him out with me and sat to give some treats to the girls with him in my arms. He just watched first. I offered him some and he ignored it. The Rachel climbed up and I had my hand with treats right between them. They went for a full 40 second stare down to each other. I wanted to laugh but just waited. Then he made a sound and I moved my hand closer to Rachel and she took some. Brought my hand closer to him and he took some. Then got him closer to Rachel with my hand in the middle of both and they both ate at the same time from my hand. Now I love him more,lol. Then, lil mama came up to my lap for treats. Got some more and they both ate from my hand. I took P2 and let him loose on the run with the girls and came inside with P2 for a bit. I figure they will work it out and he will just eat and the girls will go away from him and do their thing. Went back in after 20 min and could not find him. I asked the girls, what have they done to Papa,so I opened the coop side door and he was roosting with lil mama and baby mama. The others were just scared of him. So I went through the front door into the coop and pet them and picked him up. Brought him inside while the others got inside and settled. Around 830pm, went out with him and moved a little 3 of the girls and put him between lil mama and baby mama. I waited for a bit until they got quiet again. Baby mama wanted to fight him and I told her no and moved her a bit towards Sophia. They had not moved since. Will get up earlier than them to see what happens at wake up time.
Dang, I spent 30 min telling a rooster how to get girls,lol I never knew I would be a really krazy chicken lady,lol But spending time with them gives me peace and so much joy on top of laughter at the things they do. Here is a pic from the camera. From your right to left are P2,P3,Blanch,lil mama,Pitbull,baby mama,Sophia,Monica,and Rachel on the far left.
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