Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hello Neighbors! I'm in the U.P. and my breeder has informed me that my Ducklings will be late. According to her, the new incubator won't be in until late May, which means, best case scenario, 1st week of June until delivery.
Would it be appropriate for me to ask for my $40 deposit back and get a different breed from the feed store? Their delivery date is guaranteed on June 1st for Khaki's vs Welshies from the breeder.
I wouldn't count on any guaranteed delivery dates, you never know if an incubator hatch is going to work out right, or if something worse comes along like the avian influenza that's going around the country and this state. That's not a very long time to wait for birds.
If you would prefer to have khakis, then it seems fair for you to cancel your order based on the change in delivery dates. If you wanted Welsh ducks though, it might be worth the wait.
It was a beautiful day here today. Even though I had to work. Truck was a light load and we were done before first break. All of the trucks have been light. Worked 3 days and don't even have 5 hours of clocked time. Maybe tomorrow will be a full day. Thursdays are 2 truck days.
The nice thing about the short day was that I was able to get some chores done at home. I picked up a few bales of bedding flakes and some baled straw. I'll be doing a full coop clean out this weekend.

The best thing about today was finding this critter.
I don't know what species it is. It has a red tongue with black tips. Any ideas?
The new Starbucks in Lowell saves coffee grounds! :celebrate I got 4 of their big bags. They said they get 4-5 bags every day. So I'll be stopping there any time I go through town.

There's a Biggby coffee that's been in town for several years. I asked long ago and they said no, they will not save grounds.

I almost never buy coffee at that kind of place, but guess which one I'll go to if I do?
I received another e-mail alert from MDARD regarding this HPAI. They are recommending that people take down bird feeders for a couple of months to slow or stop the spread. In the same message they say that songbirds are not likely to get AI. Mixed signals within the same e-mail. I don't know what to thin k.

This year has been the best year for birds at the house since I moved here. I have nesting crows, pileated woodpeckers, red-head wood peckers, and daily visitors of all kinds. Even a few that I don't normally see here in the woods. It's a bit too early for hummingbirds and orioles and I haven't seen any yet. I wonder if I'll see them.
Eastern garter snake, pretty little beast

I think it's warmed up enough and there's enough natural food for the birds now that the snow has melted, that I'm going to take my feeders down.

It's not just songbirds that frequent feeders, but also crows, and birds like starlings that travel around.
Thank you for the ID. This snake was found by a log that I know is home to several northern ribbon snakes. Maybe it is a snake condo, open to all species.

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