Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Same old same old

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They have said it will snow by tonight until morning again. Have no clue if it will happen. All that little white stuff ended as water on the grass and everywhere. Nobody went out at all today. Well, I did to get eggs and to help at bed time.
Good day my lovelies!
Nothing of snow this way. Got up at 630, checked the cameras and they went out without a fight. So, I went back to bed,lol. Got up around 1030am and took BP and it was 145 and that is the best I have had so far.
The girls are fine. Pitbull keeps trying Monica and the rest of teh girls and they are not letting him. They will get along better with time. At least there is no fighting at all.
It is windy though. So, I already collected some eggs. One of teh wyndottes just dropped one right on my hand,lol I thought it was poop but it was the linning. I am so blessed that none of my ladies peck at me when I reach for the egg under them. I do have two more that are nesting on just the ceramic egg, so I will need to go back out later.

How is everyone coping with the snow up north and the wind down south?
Hi Eggwards, and welcome to the Michigan thread :)

If they are standing around all fluffed out and not moving busily about foraging, they may be too cold.

Just looking at your run, have you read up on run security? the fencing may be not up to protecting your birds from predators. Always a big learning curve with your first birds.

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