Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

So, ummm......If I were to try to process 2 of my roos, could I just cut their necks, hang them up to bleed out, and then skin them  (so I don't have to pluck) and then chop off the legs/thighs and cut the breasts out and skip the "gutting" part of things?

Yes you can do it this way.. I skin every chicken i process..should be able to easily cut the breast and legs off.. good luck.
Maybe you'll get lucky and this one will end up laying the coveted pink eggs! I had an EE that had definite pink, not beige or brown! All the way to the inside of the shell, too :D
ha ha ^_^ I am busy trying to rescue some mini roses from the grocery store that didn't get watered; going great! I repotted gently without touching the root system this time. Last time i broke them up and lost all but one! And i'm only putting a tad of water on the old dirt, letting any access water get sucked out by the new dirt. (I have a bad habit of overwatering.) They started dying upstairs, but i put them in the cold and humid basement and they are sprouting all kinds of new growth! YAY! These ones are my coveted shade of perfect apricot/peach/pink :)

Unfortunately, my success comes on the heels of failure; i tried to transplant and prune my green rose and it's nothing but a little stick :( And though last year all the meijers had tons of the patio hit green roses this year there are none to be found :( And my special multi-petaled daffodills got too wet and rotted :( Stuuuuupid snow! Not good for me or my poor flowers! (Those ones were outside but in a pot that didn't drain well enough, apparently.
Flowers already? Lucky we still have snow. I can't wait to get in my garden!
How many eggs do ya'll think will fit in a 28 bottle wine cooler?

Because I am picking one up a lightly used one tomorrow for an incubator build! First I am going to wire in a heating element and fan setup. Once temperature is stable and well controlled, then I'll worry about an automatic turning system!
Thanks, we have 12 and just a little while ago our rat terrier came to get us as 1 flew out of the cattle trough where we have been keeping them. It looked so funny just sitting there with a confused look on it's face
. If you don't mind me asking where are you?

We're in New Haven, so not too far from you at all. I put mine out when we were having great weather and then just sort of hoped that 4 or 5 days of nice weather would harden them off for these couple of below freezing nights. I'm not sure how much of a difference it might make, but our "coop" is a barn stall. I do close their door to their run and the window in there at night. They have really deep litter right now too. I had to get up super early to take someone to the airport yesterday so I snuck in and looked at the chickies at about 4am and they were all snuggled on the floor in some straw. Today they were hanging out in the sunshine.

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