Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hello Michiganders…
I’m new to keeping hens but I’m loving it already. I live in Casco Michigan and due to our crazy weather patterns I may try to call on some of you locals here for help until I get my feet wet. My Buff Orph’s are about 6 weeks old and I have my first question. First off I know I’m getting a late start but I had to play politics with the other 2/3’s of my family for approval on the entire project. Anyway my chicks have pretty much gotten their wing feathers plus a few back and tail feathers are coming in right now. My question is this, when can I start taking them outside for short periods of time? What kind of temperature am I looking for and how long can I take them out? I'm not finished with their run yet but I’ve made a small 6’x6’ pen for them that I can easily set up in shade or sun.


Until they're fully feathered, I wouldn't take them out till it's in the 70/80s. and out of the wind. Unless you have a heat source for them to get warmed up if they needed too. I had a hen hatch chicks in October, and they would scurry around, then mom would call them back and hunker over them in the yard for a few minutes, then they'd be back at it. So they can deal with short bouts of exposure to cooler weather, but they must be able to have a heat source if they need it.... if they don't have their feathers to help trap the heat.
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Goat pictures! Though I should have some new Araucana chick pictures soon enough. I have a broody on a batch of eggs that are almost done 'cooking'!

Mostly focused on taking pictures of my little blue eyed lady!

Yes she is in the house
her scruff was up, she was getting all uppity about the cat!

I sheared my Angora goat Bailey! This is a before picture! Btw, I used a set of bridle path clippers, boy was that a chore! But she and I were both glad when it was over!

And after

So nekkid!
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Welcome new friends to the thread. There are good people here and lots of information to be shared and learned.
Welcome back old friends who have been missing.

Tap, I hope your week gets better. Seem that problems come in groups. Stay positive.

Opa, do you have an auger style post hole digger? I bought one and it is so much easier than the clam-shell type.

I'm happy that my hens have found good homes. Leah's sister brought over a bucket of toad tadpoles.
I have 4 adults left that BFM said she can take. I'll have to get them there before the G-men storm my compound. That leaves 8 Sebrights (12 weeks old) in need of a home, either temporary or forever.

Stacy, love the little goats.
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Tap, so sorry about your dog.
It's so hard saying goodbye to a furry friend.
Welcome to the newbies and welcome back to the MIA's.

RaZ, I wish I had the room to take those seabrights. I just think they are so sweet. Was looking for a couple, and think maybe they would be ok with my lone chick, but you are just too far for me to drive. I don't like driving too much, especially in area I don't know. Good luck, tho.....ugh Just for you, lol
Just got a sneak peak at what the sumatra hen has been brooding.... wait till I can get some picts....I can say, uggo is no longer alone!
Hey, everyone! I see you've been busy here while I've been without computer access (and too lazy to fool around with the mobile version on my stupid, er, I mean smart, phone).

I hope everyone had a great Mother's day!!! I had a blast... made a couple of strawberry rhubarb pies for my mum!

Today I picked up a freebie. Found someone that was giving away a nicely built homemade "outdoor cat house" that I had hoped on slightly remodeling for my ducks! It even came with a waterproof heating pad and a thermometer. I'm thinking it could possibly be made into an incubator as it is a bit on the small side. I will have to have a better look at it when I get home. My lunch break is about over so I should get back to work!
HI everyone,
welcome to the new ones

been working in yard and tilling garden trying to get the outside straightened up.
wanting to start planting but this weather is crazy.. have a horrible sorethroat. guessing its allergies.

Happy belated Mothers Day .

Havent been online much.. been working alot outside.

Hope everyone has a great day.
just stopping in to say hi..
I buried my chicken who after talking with the vet I believe had some sort of uterine tumor. My son as he put her in the ground named her Flower. Why he waited until she had died to name her I have no clue. He's been holding her in a towel on his lap the past couple days while he watches TV. Then I dug the hole for the dog while fighting off black flies. DH can't do anything - oh his surgery is Thursday, he hasn't had it yet. And I forgot to add I end out the week by turning 40.

All the bad stuff aside, it is a nice day out there. I don't think I will have time to plant garden today since my son has a Little League game tonight. I am enjoying the leaves starting to pop out, but not all the pollen and itchy eyes and nose that comes with it.

Stacykins - It's hard to believe that is the same goat in the before and after picture. He looks much more mischievous without the curls.

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