Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Help I was suppose to have hatching eggs today and nothing. If I candle what am I looking for? I candled one and the whole egg is black. I have lots of eggs in the bator if I have to candle do I candle them all?

Kimmie - don't touch them! Patience! Yes black is good. Watch them for movement or listen for peeping.

Ginger - so sorry.

Raz - Master gardener.... can you take a cutting from a tree and root it? I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, blooms hot pink about June, has spiky sharp spines and sometimes has berries that the birds love. It was at our old home and I would like to take some with me if I can figure out how.

I have decided to block garden this year. I took old sheets cut them in two foot strips, dyed them green and am tacking them down to be the walkways between blocks. I'll wait and see how it goes before bragging about it.

I guess I'll add to the grumbling about DH's today. This goes back to my dog who has been sick for a while. We have not gone a day without a puddle in the house for the past 3 months, usually it is more than one. He is just not happy unless he is constantly drinking water. It's DH's dog, although I do all the care for him so I didn't want to push him into putting him to sleep but at the same time wanted it done before I begin to dislike our dog. I know from past experience I have only so much tolerance even when I know it isn't the dogs fault. DH has started yelling at me about the puddles and it's pushing my patience even more. Anyway he said when the dog food was out it was time. I told him this weekend we were almost out so he said he would call the vet Monday. He has been off work since March so as I am the muscle in the family right now so I dug the hole Monday. I didn't say anything to him and left it up to him. Today he tells me he never called and our dog can't go in before his surgery and so it will have to wait until next week and we should buy some dog food. Now I have to deal with what the house will look like after being at the hospital for two days and I know it won't really happen like he says because now we will again have to wait for the dog food to be gone. I love my dog and don't want to sound harsh but dragging things out when there is no hope of them getting better is so difficult for me. I see our dog getting more and more miserable and it is making me feel the same. Sorry for the rant, I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Help I was suppose to have hatching eggs today and nothing. If I candle what am I looking for? I candled one and the whole egg is black. I have lots of eggs in the bator if I have to candle do I candle them all?

Yep. Patience. Leave them alone, and hopefully you'll get some little peepers! When we did our last hatch I had my first egg hatch on Thursday, and the last one on Sunday.....hatch day was supposed to be Friday. Don't be afraid to leave them in for a few extra days!
After reading all the grumbling about DH's I've realized that not being one is probably a good thing.

Speaking of good things I just donated to Raz and hope that others will also. He definitely is in a tough situation created by a local government out of control.
I got my bio mom, who lives in Sturgis, doesn't have chickens, to donate too.

I wanted to say, about the front end on the truck... you are looking at a few possibilities. Bad tires and alignment... tie rods going, ball joints going. You'll notice it start to get worse at lower speeds if it is one of the later two. Around 40 miles an hour and such... Anyway. Tie rods aren't to big of a deal to change, neither are ball joints if he can do it himself. Just need to get an alignment asap afterwards.
Raz - Master gardener.... can you take a cutting from a tree and root it? I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, blooms hot pink about June, has spiky sharp spines and sometimes has berries that the birds love. It was at our old home and I would like to take some with me if I can figure out how.

I guess I'll add to the grumbling about DH's today. This goes back to my dog who has been sick for a while.
Tap, I really can't answer that. Some trees can be propagated with cuttings quite readily. Some not so well. If it is a multi-stem you might have a better chance digging up a portion of the root system along with a stem. I'm sorry that I don't have a better answer.

To that end, I'd like to offer a defense of DHs everywhere. I think that us men-folk are programmed to be strong and provide answers to problems that arise. Sometimes those problems are beyond our ability to "fix". When we can't "fix it" we become bewildered and lost. And often there are are emotions that we have that we need to repress for the sake of appearance. Ailing animals can be a huge factor with the male ego, especially when that beloved critter is close to crossing the Rainbow Bridge. That is just my take on things and us guys would probably never speak of it.
After reading all the grumbling about DH's I've realized that not being one is probably a good thing.

Speaking of good things I just donated to Raz and hope that others will also. He definitely is in a tough situation created by a local government out of control.
I think I agree, Opa. But I'll admit that sometimes (not often) I miss the grumblings of a good woman.

Thank you for donating. I appreciate the help of my chicken friends.

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