Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I'd check this one, they are poisonous to cats . My old downstairs neighbor grew them up to our porch, my cat vomited horribly. I *think* birds aren't supposed to eat them either, and cooped birds do eat things they normally would not. As in my catnip they aren't supposed to have either. No puking, but possibly some pretty messed up birds! :D

I am so glad you reminded me about this. The lady at Flowerland told me that only the blue ones were poisonous, but I meant to check up on it when I got home and forgot. They are Ipomoea coccinea and evidently all of the plant is poisonous. I will be yanking them out for the sake of my chickens and 3 & 5 year olds. Does anyone have suggestions of a climbing vine (non-toxic) annual that will grow quickly in full-sun, hot sandy poor soil? I want something along the back of the run to help with the heat but there is a line above so I can't plant any trees.
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Does anyone have suggestions of a climbing vine (non-toxic) annual that will grow quickly in full-sun, hot sandy poor soil? I want something along the back of the run to help with the heat but there is a line above so I can't plant any trees.
How about hops (Humulus lupulus L)? Either the native or one of the many cultivars. It is a perennial.
I really wish I wasn't working next weekend. I did try and trade with someone, you know, have them work this weekend, and they work next. Someday I'll get to a chickenstock!

I have a few pictures of my magpie ducklings. There are three of them. I know one for sure is a male, the other two are 'female'. Hopefully they stay that way. They are very sweet little ducklings!

They really love the cupholders in the couch divider, they'd jump in and out of them!

I also brought two new goats home on Wednesday. A buckling (new herd sire) and a doeling. Both are from the same farm, but completely unrelated! Right now they're in quarantine, but they'll be introduced to the rest of the herd soon. They're in pens right next to each other. They can touch noses, but no more, for obvious possible copulation issues!

The little buckling is solid black except for a tiny tuft of white on his head. And he has stunning blue eyes! 3 out of 4 of his grandparents have champion status. I'll be training him for show, as I hope he will live up to his genetics! His mother is also a freaking fantastic milker!

Also, he is such a lover. When he is a odiferous mature buck, that may be a bit of an issue, but for now, it is awesome. He truly melts into anyone who is petting him. The breeder told me that SO many people wanted to take him home. But I had first dibs from the moment he was born!

This is the little doeling. She is also a super sweet girl. I love her little nose smudge! And how her buckskin coloration contrasts so much. The area she isn't patterned is almost pure white, which really pops! The pictures aren't washed out, she really is that bright.

Anyone have any name ideas? I am so terrible at thinking up names for goats!
Cute kids and ducklings Stacy.
Chickenstock won't be happening for me either. No time for anything but work and chores. DH in surgery again getting 2 more plates in his leg along with artificial bone graphs. Tomorrow is 8 months since the accident, and this surgery will set him back nearly that long. Sigh .... :(

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