Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Sadly, the shelled chick died.
The other two are healthy.
Another egg is zipping right now and peeping loudly.

Another stressful night is in store.
Raz... next time, take them out of the carton at lock down. You'll have to do it again. My first time it was STRESSFUL AS BAD WORDS! Yeah, and guess what? I am doing it again now. 11 Marans, one Mutt and 2 silkies. The two silkie eggs come from Sole' my pink skinned silkie. She's Roger's daughter. Well, the reason for only 2, Vanilla and Rays eggs would go half way and quit. I am not sure if it's the hen or to roo, so trying different roo. If these ones quit too, then Ray will just be lawn ornament from here on out... The one mutt is from my amberline crossed with Florus.

Saturday and Sunday chicks

This is happening right now.

I took them out of the carton when I went in to help the stuck one. The remaining eggs are on the bator floor.

I'm pretty sure that I will not be doing this again.
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The article Grammi referenced about the FDA is just one more example of governmental agencies over reaching. In their fervor to protect us they create a situation that makes me wonder who will protect us from them.

This morning I will be taking my old farmer friend to St Joe's hospital for some followup testing and then on to another friend's house for lunch. Bob's house is a 105 year old Sears & Roebuck catalog house that my son helped restore to better than its original condition. For the last week he has had our crew there working to restore all of the various outbuildings and it is really starting to come together.

I have officially declared the garden done and opened it up for the chickens. Yesterday we observed two large coyotes sitting at the edge of the yard gazing hungrily towards the chickens. As soon as I opened the door they disappeared into the brush. In the afternoon two perpetual escape artist chickens were feeding just outside of their enclosure and a large coyote was rapidly approaching them. This time when I went outside the coyote was more reluctant to leave the area.

Since the garden is fence is wire and 7' tall it is less likely that the birds will be escaping and my 22-250 will be sitting next to the door rather than locked in my gun safe.
I sure had a bad weekend. First friday my doc says you need to be tested for cancer and that I have another form of auto-immune illness that make four! Flu shots this year is itching, yuck I hate them but helps me not get sick. I need to go see an eye specialist and maybe U of M hate going all the way there but I hate going blind to. The price of medication, lose your eyesight. I had to take care of two 83 year old women, boy are they set in their ways, I had them for two days three if you count the day before took them to lunch. Lots of complaining going on thats for sure, got to love them though. Then I find out on Saturday my JG is missing, I am two hours or so away, then I find out on Sunday he was found dead and my EE hen is missing. She was a cool looking bird. Oh well at least I am still breathing.
Kimmie -
I hope your weeks gets better and you have some good news.

I think we got a frost last night, but I'm not sure. Out the back of the house it looked like it but not out the front. (Back is valley and front is hill). This would be our first of the year. I am sore this morning after doing corn and blackberries last night and moving dirt all day. I still have more outdoor work but it will have to wait until I'm moving a bit better.

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