Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Thank you everyone for the Birthday Wishes..

A couple of days ago i was out with the chickens, and walked inside the enclosed run, heard like a low grumble sound, all chickens went for cover so i knew something was going on.. i stepped out and looked around in the top of the trees and saw a big hawk flying.. so i locked them all in their enclosed runs for the rest of the day.. 

Bluebird where do you live, i am from oscoda, about a 1hr  from hillman.. there is a few of us on this side of the state.. glad to see another member that isnt to far away.. 

Happy Birthday!!!
It is raining right now and the chickens are all holed up in their coop. Silly chickens!
Mine too!!

Congratulations on reaching such a wonderful milestone of life.
x4 like the cake

It is migration time for hawks, and for the next few weeks expect ranging birds to be at constant risk. A good time of the year to keep them penned unless you are physically with them. Just a reminder, it is illegal (and an extremely poor idea) to kill birds of prey.
sorry about the hawk attack blueberry,
we have see a few extra here also
Happy Belated Birthday Naglady!
Well, just got my final two chickies today. I told myself I'd limit the flock to ten, so 17 isn't bad chicken math is it? Anyway, they are gorgeous Ameraucanas, one Wheaten/blue wheaten, and one splash/wheaten. About 16-17 weeks old.

And, the sun is actually shining here in WA! Keep dry Michiganders!
Bluebird where do you live, i am from oscoda, about a 1hr  from hillman..

I am about 7 miles south of Atlanta. Off of Harwood Rd (off 33 south). I always get mixed up between Oscoda and Ostego counties. lol

Well gang, we discoverd fresh black bear paw prints along the power lines near our home and coop yesterday while out cutting firewood! Bad enough with the red tails, fox, bobcat, and coyote. Now we have a bear in the midst! We have a screened in florida room attached to the coop and its a safe have for the birds when we are not out there to watch them. Best thing I ever created for the chickens. Yes, our run is a sloppy mess also. Going to be very hard to deal with the winter months approaching. Pretty much a cooped up mess.

Uh oh. I hope it hasn't tasted chicken yet.

I bought 4 more sheets of 1/2" osb boarding in Gaylord. Home Depo cut them so they would fit in the jeep back :wooton top of the pine shavings and one bale of hay from Farm and Home. Drizzling just a little when I got home so I just tacked up some frost blanket across the opening for the open air coop monitor window space up high. Gorilla tape I had came to the rescue ;)... at least til tomorrow. Hope fully that will keep any snow or rain from blowing in too much. I also put up small pieces of the osb behind the door and above it... so those openings are smaller too. Tomorrow will try if it isn't raining too much to get the rest of the wall to rafter up. Also to close off the underneath of the eaves of rafters at the back wall and front. If I have enough stuff will frame on top of the hardware cloth on the open front and redo it in spring to look a little nicer. Right now just need it closed, secure and functional. Once I get it secure I can open the little coop door and let them go between it and the larger area of the big coop and still be safe while allowing them to dust bathe and scratch around.

The hen got on the roost bar tonight with him! So the quiet time in the little chick coop for the two of them seems to have helped. They both ate tonight in the screened part of the chick coop while I was in the larger part of the coop. He verbally complained when I almost fell off the ladder putting up the cloth!!!! So he is feeling some better. Well I sorta did but did not hit the floor... thank goodness. Not supposed to be climbing but hey living alone and supposed to snow in next couple days.... have to try and get it done.... at least they are not full 4x8 pieces. Now framing in the monitor windows between the separate slanted roofs and getting the old full glass screen door up there will be tricky... :/

Oh yeah happy birthday!!! I got almost 8 years on you (in Dec).

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