Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

@opa i second the later morning thing. Im not a very good up before the sun type. Alas life often demands it. Some day i am going to buy an island and go all swiss family robinson
One of my favorite childhood readings. Loved it.

@ladyrsanti -Made the eclairs, camera on phone not working, but mine didn't turn out quite as nice as your's and I slightly burnt the bottoms. However, they're all gone.
Thanks for sharing the recipe. I want to get a piping bag, I think that would make it easier, but man were they delish!!

The batch I made was baked for less than 25 min. at 400 degrees F and the bottom was more than slightly burned. They were a lovely shade of brown. Wish I could get eggs like it. Don't know what went wrong . I'll try again probably, cause even the jumbled mess resulting was very delicious.

Thanks Ladyrsanti. (Will you share the derivation of your on line name)

Meyer is probably going to charge you $20+ for them and that's fine if you want to pay that much. Over in birch run there's a well known and respected Ameraucana breeder that lists his extras as culls (wrong leg color etc) on Craigslist and you could go pick them up. Pretty sure he lists on Thursdays and you have to call and make an appt to pick them up.

Overall I was happy with Meyer but they did screw up my order 2 times out of 3. Missing chicks, wrong number of chicks, and so on. I ordered speckled Sussex from them twice and didn't get them the first time and all of them died on the re-ship. Their customer service was very nice though.
Three or four years ago, when I decided to start a BY flock, I read that some breeders were selling fertile Black Copper Marans eggs for about $80 to $100+ /dozen. I guess they sold some, not to me though. No broody hens; no incubator; few $. I sometimes wonder what I thought about BC. ( before chickens) .

I am still unable to change size of print in my posts. When I click on the Size box below the word "reply" , the list of font sizes flashes momentarily below the box, but
disappears before any action can be undertaken. Any help? Same for color and the A box. I'm puzzled.

On another note C S 14.
I've been thinking of games etc. Work Up came to mind. However, since I was not sure of the term I looked it up on line two or three places
Google gave info on the softball game desired. Might that be one of the C S activities we play? R S V P If u care at all.

I'm not sure if anyone listens to WRIF on the radio in the morning - namely Dave and Chuck the Freak - but I do sometimes as I'm on my way to work. They had a rather entertaining discussion about a gentleman who was eating at KFC the other day and found something attached to his chicken breast that he thought was a brain. He then proceeded to barf all over inside the KFC restaurant. KFC corporate stated that it was a lung attached to the chicken breast and not a brain. Either way I thought that kind of goes along with not knowing where your food comes from OR what conditions the birds are in or how they are treated in captivity.
It would be odd and quite a STRETCH to end up with brain matter on chicken breast meat.
Once knew a fellow who shot his squirrels in the neck so he could eat the brains. Be careful with this one though, should u be so tempted, as there is a brain parasite that infects humans if the brain is not adequately cooked.
BobBry "I am still unable to change size of print in my posts. When I click on the Size box below the word "reply" , the list of font sizes flashes momentarily below the box, but
disappears before any action can be undertaken. Any help? Same for color and the A box. I'm puzzled.

What web browser service are you using? Has it been updated lately? I've switched most of my sites to firefox.
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I recommend Meyer hatchery. I know they are not show quality birds but most breeds I've gotten lay well and are still beautiful birds. I think the hatchery is a good source of female chicks , I usually plan my incubator hatch to be the day before my Meyer order arrives.
I've not had problems with shipped chicks or any order screw ups and I've ordered from them 7 times in the last 3 years. (I get their broiler chicks too.) I've only had ever got 2 oops boys I have lost maybe 1 chick with each order except for my last one when I lost a dozen, not sure what happened but I was fully refunded.
Their customer service is awesome, I'm always making changes to my order. I recommend them 100%.
I must confess i spent 30 on a dozen BC eggs which was a good deal i thought. Hatched out all twelve in a homemade bator. Theres no way i was paying 200 for a styrofoam bator. So built a cabinet. For about 50 can hatch 150 at a time. :p
only time i buy now though is when looking for new blood or project. I am
Chicken in the head, says my wife.
Wynette (on here, also from MI) breeds marans as well.  Last year someone got a couple of her cull hens at chickenstock (not up to her standards to be breeders) and gets really nice dark eggs.  Just a thought.  :)

I got Maia & Lela from Wynette at CS last year. Not only could I not be happier with their beautiful eggs, THEY are gorgeous, too :D

Maia & Lela's are the dark ones (& I sure wish they would finish their molts...really missing those pretty, dark eggs!!!)

At DC airport. Class got done early; drove 2 hours to get here. Now flight to Atlanta not til 6pm and NADA earlier since holiday weekend. Don't get in to Flint til 11pm; home ~ midnight. Need to go find a plug...iPad & phone aren't gonna make it for 10 hours! Especially since ya don't have to turn them off for takeoff & landing anymore!!!!
Random responses...

On spelling. Some of the breeds are easily mis-spelled. Not too much of an issue here but some threads get downright nasty if you spell the name incorrectly. Also, when looking for information of diseases, proper spelling really helps as many disease names are difficult to spell.

On hatcheries. I had good luck with ducks from Metzer Farms. 3 of 12 ducklings died but that was the fault of the PO for losing the package for 2 days. I also ordered from Murray McMurray with 100% success but the pullets actually came from a farm in Texas, not directly from McMurray. The birds were packed with care and had cucumbers for hydration and something to eat.

On memory. I forgot what else I was going to say.

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