Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

BobBry "I am still unable to change size of print in my posts. When I click on the Size box below the word "reply" , the list of font sizes flashes momentarily below the box, but
disappears before any action can be undertaken. Any help? Same for color and the A box. I'm puzzled.

What web browser service are you using? Has it been updated lately? I've switched most of my sites to firefox.

I am going to make the switch to firefox too. Again
This is like, the best chicken egg week ever!!! Discovered that both Marans are laying, one Ameraucana is laying, and NOW my olive egger is laying!!!!! I got the Ameraucana and olive eggs from lark rise off one of the auction threads.

This is like, the best chicken egg week ever!!! Discovered that both Marans are laying, one Ameraucana is laying, and NOW my olive egger is laying!!!!! I got the Ameraucana and olive eggs from lark rise off one of the auction threads.

Oh, that's NICE!!!!

I so so so much want to hatch some blue and chocolate eggers next month....just cannot afford the BC eggs.<whining a little bit>
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This is like, the best chicken egg week ever!!! Discovered that both Marans are laying, one Ameraucana is laying, and NOW my olive egger is laying!!!!! I got the Ameraucana and olive eggs from lark rise off one of the auction threads.
Oh yeah...I need an OE...LOVE that...Have my green from Partridge; but need blue & Olive now...

Awesome! Congrats!
Oh, that's NICE!!!! I so so so much want to hatch some blue and chocolate eggers next month....just cannot afford the BC eggs.
Check with dmrippy about eggs. She has Marans and "super blue egg layers". Really nice byc'er sent lots of extras and had great fertility. I had 19 out of 22 Marans eggs go into lockdown when my incubator quit holding temp (heating element went out and temp went down to 90) last year and I lost them all. That was last year and I have a new incubator now. I have feelers out for a Marans roo but I'll probably get eggs from her again if I can't find a good one. She probably has olive eggers too now that I think about it.
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@Raz, I really did want to know if your lime tree flowers smell when in bloom.
I knew I forgot something.

I can't say for sure. I wasn't expecting flowers at all so I missed them. I only found the fruit when I moved the plant.
I have moved it to where I can check it every day. I'll look and report if it keeps blooming.
Regarding the food sign-up...

The single source, one-click way to see who is bringing what is here https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/michigan-chicken-stock-2014-pot-luck-food-sign-up

Due to BYC protocol, threads have some time limits on editing the original post. This happened to us last year and the moderators suggested a "member's home page" that can edited at anytime by the original poster and/or an assignee. Thus we have the format that we have.

People can add comments at the bottom just like any other thread. I have the notification set to alert me immediately and I update just as quickly as I possibly can. It may be cumbersome at your end, (I know it is on my end) but I'm trying to make it as easy as I can.

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