Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Anyone need a Welsummer cockerel? Of the four chicks that hatched Monday one is definitely a cockerel and I will be culling him soon unless someone needs him.
Oh man! I would love to get a roo from you, but I just rescued a litter of kittens with a very nasty momma who would probably eat him.
My oldest pullet just started to lay so I am not ready to raise another chick yet. Bummer.
Thank you but no, I have a full size silver that I really like and a chanticlair , I hope to breed, and I have 2 good sized pens I can keep them separate during breeding season, I still need to dispatch my small roo and may have some chicks that turn out to be roos also. hoping to get down to 1 blue and 1 brown egg group, and only 2 roos. They are very nice birds though Good disposition.
:) Well I figure if I don't sell him this fall, I for sure can in the spring when people want to hatch eggs again!

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