Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

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Thanks Precious,,, the blind is too small for me to draw my bow in... it's strictly a shooting blind.

clearly a design flaw there.

http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2014/10/19/tawas-city-chickens/17591439/ Would like to see a similar story about Garden City. They are equally a disgrace to the State of Michigan and I think they know it.

God, what a bunch of hooey!!
Raz, your story is getting oddly close to Jean Valjean and Inspector Javert from Les Miserables. That OO is obsessed!
I'm sorry you were injured, and hope you're in better shape (physically, and legally) soon.
Raz, your story is getting oddly close to Jean Valjean and Inspector Javert from Les Miserables. That OO is obsessed!
I'm sorry you were injured, and hope you're in better shape (physically, and legally) soon.
I doubt that anyone in the GC machine has read Victor Hugo at all. Or even saw the movie or play.

On a side note, I have been on the phone most of the day over this craziness. Without going into details, the warrant was apparently issued due to several "typos" in the computer system. Just minor things like name, address and date of birth. The only they got correct was the driver's license number and GC PD was keyed in on that since my truck is pretty unique around here. That explains why the officer was waiting for me.

Now part 2 is that I am scheduled to be in the hospital tomorrow for a procedure under anesthesia and I am also supposed to be in court tomorrow at the same time. On October 10, I showed the court the medical order and asked that the court appearance be rescheduled. That determination is up to the judge and as of a few minutes ago, he has not decided to permit an adjournment. So do I choose between necessary medical care or a contempt of court charge?
If I am high jacking the thread I'm sorry. I'm not very good at these forum things, besides it looks like just about anything has been fair game to discuss. I have one of my smaller hens (size not age) getting her head pecked mercilessly. It never gets a chance to heal. When I introduced my RIR's that are 7 weeks younger than the rest of the flock they refused to go in and roost at night. This hen stayed outside with them every night. When the temps started falling at night the RIR's started going in but she remained outside. Now that it has started getting really cold she goes in with the rest, and that seems to be when she started getting picked on. Separating her is really an option, so my question is what should i do? She is in good spirits, seems as active as always, lays an egg everyday, and is eating and drinking normally. I was going to start by putting Blue Kote on the wound to at least cover the bright red bloody spot. If that doesn't work I was considering pinless peepers. Does anyone here have any experience with them? Are they harmful to the bird? I'm new at this and don't want to knowingly harm them. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi zvacman, welcome to the MI thread... most anything goes.

Yes spray her with the blue kote, it colors the wound so the hens won't pick on it. (and has an antiseptic as well I believe).

For the birds that won't go in and roost... you could lock them up inside for a few days or keep tossing them in every night till they get the hint.

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