Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I'm looking for advice, as I've not experienced this before. I have a hen who is about 6 months old. 2 days ago while I was in the coop, I noticed that she fell forward onto her neck, head and had difficulty righting herself. I have her inside now and she is still doing this although NOT all of the time. She's also having tremors in her neck and tilts to the left. I have given her ensure, poultry drench, and vet rx....suggestions or experience are welcome!

please click link below...I had the same thing happen...the link has many pics on how to tube feed....if she is not eating or drinking you NEED TO HELP her by feeding her with liquids first...and corid in the dose of 1/2 cc corid...please click below and help her
We have been helping her eat/drink - We are feeding ensure and she does eat wet catfood as well as some dry by herself....so what happened with your chicken? Thanks - looking
for additional responses, please...THANKS all
We have been helping her eat/drink - We are feeding ensure and she does eat wet catfood as well as some dry by herself....so what happened with your chicken? Thanks - looking
for additional responses, please...THANKS all
Finally! I've read through all the posts. Since I haven't been on since before Christmas there were a lot to get through. :)

Lots to talk about, and since I tend to be long winded when I type... I'll try to make it short & sweet.

INCUBATOR: I'm thinking about selling my Brinsea Mini Advance. It was $160 new 2 years ago, I've used it for about 6 beautifully successful hatches. With spring around the corner do you think I could get a buyer for it if I do choose to sell it? What do you think it's worth used? I'd love to get $100 but not sure if that sounds reasonable. I'm drooling over the Brinsea Octogon 20 advance & thinking if I can sell my mini advance that would help offset the price for the ridiculously expensive one. **sigh** I'm probably just dreaming. DH wants me to keep with the smaller hatches. Umm..., but I want the bigger one. ***whine*** (I'm always having the "difference between wants & needs" discussion with him... shouldn't it be my turn for a change? Just saying.)

NO EGGS: Blasted ladies have been freeloading from me for the last 2 weeks. Even my spring pullets which is very unusual. I think I know what it is though. I had DH put the timer for the light in the coop this fall... & then he tells me recently that he never actually checked the timer to make sure it was coming on & going off at the right times. He just assumed it was still set from last year. Really?! For all I know the girls are getting an hour of light in the middle of the day. Ugh... I have to go out there & check it.

BEES: I've been tossing around the idea about getting a hive. I'd like an inexpensive way to do it. Help me find the resources for this please? Where do I get an inexpensive hive, or plans for making one? Where do I get the bees? What is required for caring for them? Once I get all the info, I can take it to DH & say "See? It's easy just like this. lets do it".

NEW COOP: DH has been talking about wanting to build me a new coop. Um, really!? Since when? This summer?! Do I get to keep my current coops? How big is it gonna be? **bouncing in my seat** Then he tells me all the plans HE wants to put in it. Like he wants to do away with the "poop deck"... (um, but I like that feature), and have it all one large open space with the roosts like this, & the nest boxes all set away like this... Oh, um.. Apparently he was at a friends farm & saw that guys setup. Bigger, yes... but why is he picking the inside features & design? I'd like a say in it... but won't complain... but ... Is he actually going to DO IT, or is he just teasing me?!

BCM ROOSTER: I'm still on the hunt for a BCM Rooster. I think I have one set up to get... but might not be until later this month or next month or whenever. !! Ugh, really... it shouldn't be so hard to find one! I've been working at finding one for darn near 6 weeks now. This momma wants fertile eggs in the coop. I've got a serious need to incubate. !! All the pics of developing eggs isn't helping. :/

NOT FARM RELATED: So, a few things not "from the farm". My uncle passed away right after Christmas on the 26th. :( That was awful.. but I'm doing better now. I had to have my bank card canceled & reissued right after Christmas as well. Finally got my new card in the mail yesterday! Took them long enough, but glad I finally have it now. Lastly, apparently I'm going to be seeing lots of the chiropractor over the next few months. After a couple of years of regular adjustments he finally said "that's it! it's not going to get better unless we do more aggressive therapies... blah blah... spinal degeneration... blah blah" (or something along that line, I'm paraphrasing). I have spinal degeneration in my neck/upper back, my muscles are trying to compensate for it & it's causing a hunch. Dr. Chiro says it's from my Hashimoto's (auto immune thyroid disorder) Ugh. So I started that... I'm now going in twice a week for the next 3 months for "aversion therapy" (or something like that)? I think? Well... his neck stretchy noose machine thing sucks & it hurts & I sure hope it works... 2 visits in & I want to get lost in a bottle of wine because I can hardly move. Keeping my fingers crossed. Next time I plan on taking the Tylenol before I go.

Short enough?! Sorry. :) Oh, & I put CS15 in the books! Yip Yip!
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Good to see you back Maah, and it'll be great seeing ya'll at CS15. Let me know if you'll be wanting any farm critters (besides Bees).
I wish bees were 'inexpensive'.....making a hive could be pretty cheap if you're handy, but the other gear gets pricey....even if you slow harvest instead of spinning.

Any bee keepers here give us an idea of start up costs?
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But as you know Mr. Smith was wrong. ;)

I wish bees were 'inexpensive'.....making a hive could be pretty cheap if you're handy, but the other gear gets pricey....even if you slow harvest instead of spinning.

Any bee keepers here give us an idea of start up costs?

Oh goodness, see this is the info I need. :) Yes, my DH is handy... he could probably build whatever, and I know the start up costs are pricey, just looking for the experienced people to give the "if I knew then what I know now" speech. I am clueless about bee keeping ...even the "slow harvest instead of spinning" sent me spinning. ;)
We have been helping her eat/drink - We are feeding ensure and she does eat wet catfood as well as some dry by herself....so what happened with your chicken? Thanks - looking
for additional responses, please...THANKS all

don't really know what happened she was great in the morning and then when I went out there at about noon she was huddle outside on both feet...I went right up to her and put my hand on her and then I knew she needed help...but shes doing great...standing walking around...eyes open and she just layed an egg....so I think I saved her....

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