Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

wowzer thats a cold one....woke up to 53 in the house and the pipes frozen in the bathroom
It was -11 outside when the dog woke me up with an upset tummy, urrpp... Got up and stuff my sheets in the washer, they were getting due for it anyways. Then got going and fixed the girls a bowl of hot oatmeal with some sunflower seeds, meal worms, flax seeds and chia seeds. Not expecting a whole lot of eggs today. And they have been troopers all winter.
well day is getting a bit better....mom / aunt and i went out and collected some eggs and viewed the birds...got i believe 18 egg so not bad...had a great breakfast in the cold...some good ol biscuts and gravy and some french toast and bacon....yummy

I got mine on line I really like the little cups though, the girls seem to like them better
I don't use them in winter.....some one last year said with the water heater she still had to go out and knock the ice off the niples
wowzer thats a cold one....woke up to 53 in the house and the pipes frozen in the bathroom
sorry for you and Raz, that is cold for in the house, We have an insert in the fire place. keeps it nice and warm in the house but the furnace runs all night when it is this cold.
Raz hope you can get your furnace working, getting up in the middle of the night to stoke the fire otherwise.....
birdman, glad your pipes didn't bust, that is no fun

cold her, about -10 when we went to church, - 7 now. grandson plays disc golf,winter league, shoud be about -2 when he heads out, and the wind is picking up
I would decline, but he went theweek it was so cold and windy so he is determinde to not miss a Sunday to make matters worse he drives the RV Mule with no heat
Furnace is now running. It is pretty noisy compared to what is sounded like before. Looks like the sealed bearing in the fan motor is the culprit. Stupid foreign made junk.
Since we are reporting the temperature...

Minus 10 when I got up. It is up to minus 8 now.
It was 47 in my bedroom and 53 in the main room. Yup, furnace quit during the night. Looks like some tinkering is in order and hoping I can get it running again. So glad I have the wood stove.
So sorry to hear about your furnace, hope you can get it running soon.
-20 when I went out this morning. I wish in this age of technology I could wear glasses that I don't have to scrape frost off of several times in sub zero temps. It makes it treacherous to walk through a coop of moving chickens when you can't really see your feet.

....and in tonight's Nest Box News, one frozen egg, one that exploded as I picked it up, one bitty broody sitting on three unfrozen eggs and one frozen mouse. :/ Yes, it really is that cold out.

Stay warm, dream of spring!

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