Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

The turkey chick has moved on to greener coups.


Massive skull with no feet.

How long has she been laboring?

She never actually went into really hard labor, but too long. The vet managed delivered her. Two BIG boys followed by a little girl. The boys were DOA and there was meconium everywhere. A third little girl is alive and well! Momma is doing OK too, just very tired. She drank some water and ate a banana for me (a favorite treat), and let her little girl nurse.

The problem with boy #1 was that he was also presented funky. I know of head turned to the side, but he was head down. So I was feeling the top of his head where he was stuck. I couldn't find a nose or feet despite a lot of fishing around (she was well dilated).
She never actually went into really hard labor, but too long. The vet managed delivered her. Two BIG boys followed by a little girl. The boys were DOA and there was meconium everywhere. A third little girl is alive and well! Momma is doing OK too, just very tired. She drank some water and ate a banana for me (a favorite treat), and let her little girl nurse.

The problem with boy #1 was that he was also presented funky. I know of head turned to the side, but he was head down. So I was feeling the top of his head where he was stuck. I couldn't find a nose or feet despite a lot of fishing around (she was well dilated).
Aw Geez....well, coulda been worse...glad mama pulled thru OK and you have a doe kid!
@Stacykins Sorry about the boys, YAY for the little girl. We have a whole bunch of lil baby doelings next door I can love on and then leave them there.
Last fall my 90 year old friend gave me a hand cultivator and his father bought back in the thirties. It is a two wheel cultivator that can be converted to a 1 wheel seeder planter. I used some rust remover on it, applied some paint, sanded the wood handles and it looks like new.

Last week he gave me the original parts and price list that came with it. It is amazing to see how much things have increased in price in the 80+ years. A pair of oak handles cost $1.20 and today the same handles are over $50. Of course wages have increased as well so the prices adjusted are probably about the same.
Last fall my 90 year old friend gave me a hand cultivator and his father bought back in the thirties. It is a two wheel cultivator that can be converted to a 1 wheel seeder planter. I used some rust remover on it, applied some paint, sanded the wood handles and it looks like new.

Last week he gave me the original parts and price list that came with it. It is amazing to see how much things have increased in price in the 80+ years. A pair of oak handles cost $1.20 and today the same handles are over $50. Of course wages have increased as well so the prices adjusted are probably about the same.
wow. How much was the actual cultivator?

I was going to clean out the tractor today but the wind and rain put a stop to that. I can't wait for the little banties to get outside and enjoy their new home protected from the big birds. Thank you so much for the coops, Sam.
It seems likely that those were Turkey Vultures, as they hang out in groups, where hawks are almost always solitary. Vultures are more interested in the deceased than the living. They will occasionally kills small, young animals, so putting your youngsters up was a good idea.
I googled a Turkey Vulture today. It looks like they have big red heads? These guys didn't seem to have anything like that. They also rode the wind like hawks. Do vultures do the same thing? Maybe immature vultures don't have the red heads?

I took the ladies back out to the Hawk Blocker 9000
today after the rain stopped and the sun came out. They're just bummin' around now. Within 5 minutes of being back out two hawks (vultures?) were again circling us. I think the combination of heavy wind and Hawk Blocker 9000
made them depart rather quickly.

I gave the ladies/gents a cut up apple about an hour ago, and sprinkled some food out there for them to scratch around and pick at. I think I'll be moving their brooder to the garage this evening though, because the are DUSTY and it's settling all over my office.

Drywall project is over time and over budget (so it must be right on schedule.) The Mrs. had to go back to work today, and my normal week starts on a Tuesday, so I did what I could today to keep us moving along. It's mudding/sanding/mudding/sanding/cursing/mudding/sanding/etc right now. We have family staying here in about 2 weeks so we have to have the paint up and the room put back together before then. Once the drywall project is done operation Chicken Home can commence.

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather.

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