Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Augustus ("Gus"/"Auggie") died yesterday. He seemed to have just fallen over with no suffering. I've had him since high school and he was already several years old when I got him. He was never mean, let me give him hugs and would rest his head on me like he was hugging me back, was constantly ready for a neck scratch, and was always such a good natured donkey. He lived a good life-spoiled with lots of apples and cracked corn. I'm going to miss him! RIP buddy...
sorry for your loss T it is so hard to loose a friend

the flow system looks so cool, I want one, but why do you need a suit? looks like you don't have to disturb the bees at all??
Thanks, everyone! It was really hard to lose him. He's been around for years and he would always greet me anytime he saw me. It is going to be strange adjusting to the quiet when I near his barn or pen anymore.
He will be missed!
OMG..im so upset...the only car that is working just broke the shifter cable...so we are stuck at the house...and cant go to the bird meet on saturday...unless we get the part and get it in...which is not sounding good....this is my luck...
Oh man. And thats a easy fix too. Just finding the part or someone to fix it is the hard part.
Just had the boot fixed on mine. I felt it getting hard to shift my truck.
Took it to our shop and got it fix imminently.

Hope ya get it fixed!
part should be here tomorrow however local shop is busy for a week...so im going to wing this one...and hope to get it fixed by noon so i can go to the meet in imlay...teaming up with some local bycers....gunna be cold for a t shirt but ill be fine...i will be carrying a coat for sure...ahhaha

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