Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Also: My pro tip for the day: If you are wearing cutoff shorts, roll the hems up. Otherwise, one of your silly chickens will grab a thread and pull it out of your shorts, and then you will be obliged to chase said hen until you can restrain her, take what she thinks is a tasty treat from her beak, and scare the living daylights out of her.
I checked the spot this morning and it looks completely normal at this point. Will continue to monitor. I'm also going to "audit" the coop and check for any sharp bits that they might catch themselves on
I do not even own a tv, so not glued to it for news but i do worry. That they are testing before killing is reassuring, but i have a house of doves as well to be concerned about. At this point if my rooster was killed i would be done with chickens for a few years. Hens are easy to home (unless they had ai) I would like to find homes for most of my doves as i only have so many due to my commitment of pairing before homing. !!!

I went to the ravenna auction and probably only 10 adult birds! (Yes i don't like it but i do like to go to see what types of birds are about and say hello to a few people) I think even the old timers are hunkering down as usually by now there would be older hens for sale. I think the prices of eggs/ meat is the main worry overall.
Being older than most of you I've learned to only worry about the things I can do something about and not waste time worrying about things that I can't. The news media always tends to sensationalize everything as a means to garner ratings and ultimately income. I never allow media reports alone for information or to form my opinions.

Being this site's resident old goat also means that I have dealt with chickens longer than most of you as well. I've had birds off and on for over 65 years and I intend to lose not one moment of sleep worrying about this latest scare.
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Being older than most of you I've learned to only worry about the things I can do something about and not waste time worrying about things that I can't. The news media always tends to sensationalize everything as a means to garner ratings and ultimately income. I never allow media reports alone for information or to form my opinions.

Being this site's resident old goat also means that I have dealt with chickens longer than most of you as well. I've had birds off and on for over 65 years and I intend to lose not one moment of sleep worrying about this latest scare.
Well, I'm not as old as you, but old enough to have learned that too......
.....makes for a much more pleasant life doesn't it?

Then again, some folks never outgrow the need for crisis and drama.


You're shooting lilacs and black flies?  Just messin.  What's a rouge corvid?  :D  

A horrible egg eating crow who hangs out just out of range. I would guess it's the same one who showed up the end of last year. It even took all the wooden eggs out of the guinea nests. I'm concerned eggs won't be the end of it now that there are bitty chicks running around.
I figured out who my newly vocal rooster is. It's Rudy.

We put a garden in today. The chickens have decided this is their own all you can eat buffet. I'm off to get some wire fencing tomorrow to keep them out.

Lots of tomatoes, lots of peppers, a few lettuce plants, and some hot peppers. I also still have a few things left to find a place to plant them, including cabbage, potatoes, onions, and garlic. We're out of garden space!
I figured out who my newly vocal rooster is. It's Rudy.

We put a garden in today. The chickens have decided this is their own all you can eat buffet. I'm off to get some wire fencing tomorrow to keep them out.

Lots of tomatoes, lots of peppers, a few lettuce plants, and some hot peppers. I also still have a few things left to find a place to plant them, including cabbage, potatoes, onions, and garlic. We're out of garden space!

Do you know garlic should be planted in fall (October/November) if you want good full heads at harvest in July?

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