Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I have a pair of Serama chicks that I'd like to place in a 4H home if possible. They are lovely!

Also hatching season has started. I have Ohiki hatching this weekend (all hens Ohiki but there are Ohiki, Silkie and Ameraucana roosters in the pen so there could be some interesting mixes). Two pure Silkie eggs also due to hatch. If interested please message.
TSC has had Welsummers before but you will get hatchery stock. 6 of the 7 I got from there turned out to be roos but the 1 hen was a very sweet bird.

FWIW - TSC at Whitmore Lake had a few black australorps and a bin of bantams. Straight run only. But more coming daily. Also a big clearance sale this weekend.

There is a pullorum tester workshop this Saturday at MSU. http://msue.anr.msu.edu/events/cert..._campaign=Poultry+March+2017&utm_medium=email

Get ready for winter -- it is supposed to return tonight.
We had sleet and freezing rain overnight that change to snow about 8:30 this morning, and since have gotten at least 10 inches of snow, plus it's still snowing like crazy. Winter is definitely back. Not tempted by chicks At All.

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