Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Production has been great all winter. I have way too many eggs and not enough customers.
That has resulted in more than 2 dozen going bad. I'm floating all eggs that I have. I'll toss the half floaters as well.
Tomorrow the dogs will have a nice omelette for breakfast. The hens will probably get a share too.
We have had an active thread for well over 10 years. At one time there would be 30 - 40 or more posts a day. The original thread was shut down after some folks forgot their manners and the moderators had to step in. We are more civil and polite now. ;)

Home from first round of PT. Therapist said that she has never had a patient as stiff as me. I have the flexibility of a fence post. I go back on Tuesday and hopefully the ins co will approve the treatment plan. :fl
Maybe for chicken stock I'll bring a mat and see if I can do any Thai Massage on you. Its basically Yoga for Lazy people. You doing Yoga would probably help you out a lot.
How many birds @Folly's place ....and are you using lights?
I only got 4 out of 13 yesterday, with lights...at least they were all clean for once.
Pretty sure the next 60 degree day I have with plenty of time, I'm going to go through and wash chicken butts. Help keep them all cleaner.
Had at least a pair of Coyotes walk by the house and around my chicken coop a week ago. Didn't look like they tried to break it any, but really glad I have it covered in hardware cloth right then. Gotta keep an eye out for them as we got too much around that they would be interested in eating, between the chickens, Miss Belle, and this recent addition out in the barn.....

Born during the Super Bowl. Not ours, but is owned by one of our boarders. Just getting all the benefits of baby cutes from it.
Pretty sure the next 60 degree day I have with plenty of time, I'm going to go through and wash chicken butts. Help keep them all cleaner.
The dirty eggs I get are not from dirty butt feathers, butt(haha!) from poop emerging along with the egg('broken' two-way door?)....or mucky feet.
Cleaned a poopy butt feathers case once by giving a bath :sick never again,
I use round tip nose hair scissors and trim the feathers with cling-ons off.
Maybe for chicken stock I'll bring a mat and see if I can do any Thai Massage on you. Its basically Yoga for Lazy people. You doing Yoga would probably help you out a lot.
I hope you can teach him how to stretch.
I learned from a great PT years ago, has helped me keep the pain at bay ever since.
It's not a 'once and done' thing, but a long term every day application.
Adorable foal. They are so adorable. I had a neighbor at the old house that bred fresians. So adorable. It was sad, tho, that they had some kind of genetic glitch and they would die around 4 months. Glad she finally gave up. I loved being with those horses, tho. Just so beautiful.
I'm still stretching so I can get my knee more flexible and more range. Every day. 3 x a day. So, RaZ, stretch and stretch. Your body will feel so much better.
You guys are stretching my patience. :lau

I'm working on the stretches. I have several pages of exercises to do. Many require a pelvic tilt which is really weird for me. Since all of these exercises require lying on the floor, I have to make sure the dogs are outside when I do them. But sometimes the cats want to "help".
On the upside, since I'm on the floor so much I am sweeping it more often.
Yesterday was a balmy 40 degrees (F). It was quite pleasant to plow the snow that fell the night before. Last night got very cold and it's still well below freezing now. So that nicely plowed driveway and paths are smooth sheets of ice.

Mother Nature is having a lot of mood swings.
So that nicely plowed driveway and paths are smooth sheets of ice.
Was lucky here that the cleared paths and driveway all melted/evaporated away yesterday.
The back patio is another story, sheet of ice...spread a lot of sand this morning
Hi everyone, been a few weeks. Nasty cold took latch of us here at Staple Station...still got the chest and sinus congestion. Bothers me a bit with my last surgery, oh well. Decided to skip maple production this year. I have so much saved, heck back to 2012 I think. All my stuff is in storage until I decide my next move. I really want to build a custom sugar shack with a covered front and side porch. The side would be lean-to for wood storage. Nothing big just enough for the evaporator and a chair. Still dreaming. Hope all is well out there.

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