
It was good to meet others with chicken interests. The turn-out wasn't that great compared to the responses here. Nonetheless, the kids and I had a great time. Thank you Lori for the hospitality and great food. We even found a new home for our surprise silkie rooster. Thanks Tyler and ???
Hope to see you all again, until then I'll be around here. Here are a few pics.





Lori or Tyler have any pictures to share? As you know, my daughter did most all of the picture taking that day.
I had a great time so thanks to you all too! Im having problems with my chip in my camera so as soon as i get to Myers to put it on a disc,ill post them. Lori
Yes, Thank you for the great time Lori, it was a lot of fun and the food and company was great. Derek, I gotta say Iggy (the new name for your silkie rooster) is a great bird. He seems to get more gentle and calm each day. He no longer runs from us when we try to pick him up
. Also, funny story!

So, the first day we got back, we put Iggy in the coop with the other birds, in his own cage of course, to get used to the new enviroment. The next day we let him out of his isolation cage to join the others in the coop to see how he'd do. It didn't go to good the first time, he had a couple fights, and there was a bit too much pecking for me to be comfortable with it. The troulbe was we had to leave to meet Sarah's family up in Rifle river for a couple day of camping. The only solution? Take Iggy with us! (I'll have to get some pictures of that up as soon as I can)

So Iggy made the ride up to the campground with us where we put him up in this large foldout 8 sided cage thing we use for my poodle when we take her places. so he had a good 20 sq. feet or so to hang out and do his bird thing. It was really quite a something to see just how many people came up to see out "wierd bird". We got all sorts of questions. Stuff like "Is that really a bird?" "Where are the feathers?" "Do chickens make good pets?" "Where do you get a silkie like that?" "Does it lay eggs like a normal chicken?" Oh it was great fun, and all the campground kids loved feeding him a grape or peanut or hunk of bread or something like that. And of course Iggy loved all the treats. At night I'd set him on my knee and he'd fall asleep while we chat by the fire. He's such a great bird, Thanks again for the addition Derek! And so you know, him and the other birds are getting along much better now :-D!
That is great to hear Tyler. I know he is in good hands. He has been handled since he was a few days old by my daughter, and I'm hoping that's what contributed to make him a good rooster. I wish I could have kept him, but like you know, no roosters allowed here. Thanks for sharing the story with us. Please share any pictures with us, and keep me posted on how he does. If I recall, isn't he the oldest of your birds? If I'm ever up in hte area, we'd love to stop by to see him and all the others you have. Take care.

Hey , it sounds like a lot of fun....I'm looking to build a coop and get back in to the chicken raising fun. Many years ago we kept laying hens, and some Cochins. I will look forward to it....I'm in Osceola county near Reed City. I'm looking for some eggs to hatch, so drop me a line if anyone has some to sell.

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