
We'll be there -- or at least I will! Not sure if the DH could handle being surrounded by eggheads like his wife!

It's marked on my calendar.
I cant wait to finally meet some MI chicken people!Frankenchick....there will be some non-eggheads here too so hubby will not be out of place.So far we are still going with dogs and I will also do some meat side dishes.That leaves a dish to pass and if anyone brings a lawn chair or two I wont be mad....lol Anything anyone would like to raffle or sell(birds,crafts,etc.).We dont have kids so not alot for them to do but they are welcome and ill try to set some things up for them. Send me an E-mail to [email protected] and ill send my address back to ya.
Just found this thread. Asked about it somewhere else but this is the place to ask. Just wondering if anyone is definitely coming to CS? I might be interested. I live in Clarkston which is about 35 min. south of Davison down M-15. We have about 40 chicks/ different breeds. Do you have a time in mind? Melanie
it is the first sat in aug...bring a dish to pass and a lawn chair or 2.....ill be doing the pop and coffee and hot dogs and some sides.
My daughter and I might come from the Bay City area. Your not all that far from us. How many folks do you expect? I have your email addy and will send a more firm RSVP after I have checked the calendar.

Diane aka MrsB
So far i havent received any definites yet....but alot of maybes so not sure on the count,but ive invited some non-chicken folks so whatever happens it cant be a bust.
Seeing this is on a wendsday I will not be able to attend but anyone who was planning to sell chicks I am having trouble with2nd bation due to humidty ups and downs and unfertile eggs. If u are in michigan and any where near chester feild oakland county or farther. Please E-mail me looking for some chicks.
Hi Silkelovr,

Not sure if you are interested in these. I have extra roosters, all hatched this spring and purchased from the feed store-so I bought them in April or May depending on the bird. All are bantams. I have one light brahma, one buff brahma, and two porcelins(I'm sure that's spelled wrong but I am too lazy the get the MurrayMcMurray book and look it up! These would be nice 4-H birds for any kids. I just have far too many roosters. I live in Clarkston, Just up 75 beyond the Palace and DTE.
I am pretty sure I'll be coming, might bring a friend along too so the ride won't be so lonely
. I am coming from the Midland/Bay City/Saginaw area and if anyone wants to carpool, let me know! Gas it just too darn pricey these days.

Also, could we get a specific time and address please?
Doesnt matter what time anyone shows,ive just been telling the non-chicken people anytime after lunch.If you have a long drive,i wouldnt throw anyone out for being early....For addy e-mail me at [email protected]. Lori

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