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There you are, Nova..you have been neglectin' this thread..cut your posting down by about 75%..I was missin' you. 

Theron promises me they arent real ostriches....but they are the size of ostriches. 


Those four Uggo roosters are out there having a crow-fest. CANNOT have that. Must do something to remedy that. Its pitch black out there and they are crowing their heads off. 

Roger and Mark were horrid with that... No wonder my friend got in trouble with those two.
Quite the wind storm that blew through here last night. I had intended to watch the news to see if it had caused any problems any where but my eyelids prevented me from seeing it.

Coffee is tasting pretty good this morning and maybe by the time I've gone through a second pot I will have the energy to face the major coop cleaning project. The weather forecast for today sounds pretty good so I should be able to get it done. I also want to put another application of oil spray on the trees.

I need to grease the bearings on my boat trailer so time today as well. I'm thinking about going fishing with David tomorrow. It's really hard to decide where to go. They have been taking fish on the Huron River, a 1 1/4 hour drive. Fish have also been taken on the Grand River. Depend on just where we would put in would vary the drive time from 1/2 hour to 1 1/2 hours. I think we will probably try the Muskegon River below Croton Dam. That's about a 2 1/2 hour drive from here but the concentrations of fish are much higher than in the Grand or the Huron.
There you are, Nova..you have been neglectin' this thread..cut your posting down by about 75%..I was missin' you.

Theron promises me they arent real ostriches....but they are the size of ostriches.


Those four Uggo roosters are out there having a crow-fest. CANNOT have that. Must do something to remedy that. Its pitch black out there and they are crowing their heads off.

On Saturday, my neighbor game over to help my DH with something in the backyard and Big Boy did NOT approve. DH got so tired of him crowing that he stuffed him in the garage for the day.
Hello from west Michigan,
I live on 10 acres here about a mile north of the Muskegon River with my loving, patient husband, 2 beautiful children, 2 horses, a dog, 4 black copper marans, 1 wagon riding silver laced cochin, 4 chicks in the brooder and 24 eggs in the bator......counting the days and loving this warm weather!

know I won't get through the nights posts and have time to respond, so
welcome Elliemae 77 I am in Belding, there are a # of people close to Muskegon
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